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'''-u''' and '''-P''' specify the username and password. If the Broker doesn't require authentication, these values aren't mandatory. Else replace them with the log in information of your Broker.  
'''-u''' and '''-P''' specify the username and password. If the Broker doesn't require authentication, these values aren't mandatory. Else replace them with the log in information of your Broker.  
Lastly, '''-t''' specifies the '''topics''' that you want to subscribe to, in this case it router/<SERIAL>/signal router/<SERIAL>/uptime. Replace '''<SERIAL>''' with your router's serial number. You can find your router's serial number in the '''Status → Device''' section of the router's WebUI. Or you can first subscribe to the topic '''router/id''' and
Lastly, '''-t''' specifies the '''topics''' that you want to subscribe to, in this case it router/<SERIAL>/signal router/<SERIAL>/uptime. Replace '''<SERIAL>''' with your router's serial number. You can find your router's serial number in the '''Status → Device''' section of the router's WebUI. Or you can first subscribe to the topic '''router/id''' and publish the message '''id''' to the topic '''router/get'''. The full command would look like this:
$ mosquitto_sub -h -p 1833 -u user -P pass -t router/id
To publish a message asking the router for it's serial number, or '''id''', use this command:
$ mosquitto_pub -h -p 1833 -u user -P pass -t router/get -m id
The '''mosquitto_pub''' command is used to publish messages to specified topics. '''-m''' defines the message that you're publishing. Again, replace the values given with the ones in your configuration. The whole exchange is presented in the picture below:
[[Image:Configuration examples mqtt router id.png]]

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