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== Phonebook Related  Commands ==
== Call  Related  Commands ==
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=112&zoom=100,68,232 AT+CNUM Subscriber Number]===
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=91&zoom=100,68,232 ATA Answer an Incoming Call]===
The command can get the subscribers own number(s) from the (U)SIM.
The command connects the module to an incoming voice or data call indicated by a '''RING''' URC.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=113&zoom=100,68,97 AT+CPBF Find Phonebook Entries] ===
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=92&zoom=100,68,242 ATD Mobile Originated Call to Dial a Number]===
The command can search the phonebook entries starting with the given '''<findtext>''' string from the current phonebook memory storage selected with '''AT+CPBS''', and return all found entries sorted in alphanumeric order.
The command can be used to set up outgoing voice and data calls. Supplementary services can also be controlled with this command.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=114&zoom=100,68,97 AT+CPBR Read Phonebook Entries] ===
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=94&zoom=100,68,97 ATH Disconnect Existing Connection]===
The command can return phonebook entries in location number range '''<index1>... <index2>''' from the current phonebook memory storage selected with '''AT+CPBS'''. If '''<index2>''' is left out, only location '''<index1>''' is returned.
The command disconnects circuit switched data calls or voice calls. '''AT+CHUP''' is also used to disconnect the voice call.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=115&zoom=100,68,97 AT+CPBS Select Phonebook Memory Storage] ===
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=94&zoom=100,68,530 AT+CVHU Voice Hang up Control]===
The command selects phonebook memory storage, which is used by other phonebook commands. The Read Command returns currently selected memory, the number of used locations and the total number of locations in the memory when supported by manufacturer. The Test Command returns supported storages as compound value.
The command controls whether '''ATH''' can be used to disconnect the voice call.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=116&zoom=100,68,264 AT+CPBW Write Phonebook Entry] ===
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=95&zoom=100,68,202 AT+CHUP Hang up Call]===
The command writes phonebook entry in location number '''<index>''' in the current phonebook memory storage selected with '''AT+CPBS'''. It can also delete a phonebook entry in location number '''<index>'''.
The command cancels all voice calls in the state of Active, Waiting and Held. For data connections, use '''ATH'''.  
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=95&zoom=100,68,722 +++ Switch from Data Mode to Command Mode]===
The +++ character sequence causes the module to switch from data mode to command mode. It allows inputting ATcommandswhile maintaining the data connection with the remote device.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=96&zoom=100,68,513 ATO Switch from Command Mode to Data Mode]===
The command resumes the connection and switches back from command mode to data mode.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=97&zoom=100,68,306 ATS0 Set Number of Rings before Automatically Answering Call]===
The command controls automatic answering mode for the incoming calls.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=98&zoom=100,68,242 ATS6 Set Pause before Blind Dialing]===
The command is implemented for compatibility reasons only, and has no effect.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=98&zoom=100,68,725 ATS7 Set Timeto Wait for Connection Completion]===
The command specifies the amount of time(unit: second) to wait for the connection completion in case of answering  or  originating  a  call.  If  no  connection  is  established  during the time,  the  module  disconnects from the line.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=99&zoom=100,68,414 ATS8 Set the Timeto Wait for Comma Dial Modifier]===
The command is implemented for compatibility reasons only, and has no effect.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=100&zoom=100,68,97 ATS10 Set  DisconnectionDelay  after  Indicating  the  Absence  of Data Carrier]===
The  command determines  the  amount  of  time(unit: tenths  of a second)  during which  the  UE  remains connected in absence of a data carrier.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=100&zoom=100,68,706 AT+CBST Select Bearer Service Type]===
The Write Command selects  the  bearer  service '''<name>''',  the  data  rate '''<speed>''' and  the  connection element '''<ce>''' to be used when data calls are originated.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=103&zoom=100,68,97 AT+CSTA Select Type of Address]===
The  Write  Command selects  the  type  of  number  for  further  dialing  commands '''ATD''' according  to  3GPP Specifications. Test command returns values supported a compound value.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=103&zoom=100,68,690 AT+CLCC List Current Calls of ME]===
The execution command returns the list of all current calls. If the command is executed successfully, but no calls existed, no information response but '''OK''' is sent to TE.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=105&zoom=100,68,294 AT+CR Service Reporting Control]===
The command controls the module whether or not to transmit an intermediate result code '''+CR: <serv>''' to the TE when a call is being set up.
If it is enabled, an intermediate result code is transmitted at the point during connect negotiation at which
the TA has determined which speed and quality of service will be used, before any error control or data
compression reports are transmitted, and before any final result code (e.g. '''CONNECT''') is transmitted.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=106&zoom=100,68,224 AT+CRC Set Cellular Result Codes for Incoming Call Indication]===
The command controls whether or not to use the extended format of incoming call indication. When it is enabled, an incoming call is indicated to the TE with unsolicited result code +CRING: <type> instead of the normal '''RING'''.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=107&zoom=100,68,398 AT+CRLP Select Radio Link Protocol Parameter]===
The Write Command sets radio link protocol (RLP) parameters used when non-transparent data calls are originated.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=108&zoom=100,68,581 AT+QECCNUM Configure Emergency Call Numbers]===
The command can be used to query, add and delete ECC numbers (emergency call numbers). There are two  kinds  of ECC  numbers:ECC  numbers  without (U)SIM  and  ECC  numbers  with (U)SIM.The  default ECC  numbers  without  SIM  is  911,  112,  00,  08,  110,  999,  118  and  119. The  default  ECC  number  with (U)SIM is 911 and 112.911 and 112 will always be supported as ECC numbers, and cannot be deleted. ECC numbers can be saved into NV automatically. If the (U)SIMcardcontains ECC file, the numbers in ECC file can also be regarded as ECC numbers.
===[https://wiki.teltonika-networks.com/images/3/32/Quectel_EC25%26EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3.pdf#page=110&zoom=100,68,388 AT+QHUP Hang up Call with a Specific Release Cause]===
The command can terminate a call or calls (including both voice call and data call) with a specific 3GPP TS 24.008 release cause specified by the host.
[[Category:TRM240 AT Commands]]
[[Category:TRM240 AT Commands]]

Revision as of 16:28, 1 March 2023

TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > TRM240 AT Commands > Phonebook Commands

Call Related Commands

ATA Answer an Incoming Call

The command connects the module to an incoming voice or data call indicated by a RING URC.

ATD Mobile Originated Call to Dial a Number

The command can be used to set up outgoing voice and data calls. Supplementary services can also be controlled with this command.

ATH Disconnect Existing Connection

The command disconnects circuit switched data calls or voice calls. AT+CHUP is also used to disconnect the voice call.

AT+CVHU Voice Hang up Control

The command controls whether ATH can be used to disconnect the voice call.

AT+CHUP Hang up Call

The command cancels all voice calls in the state of Active, Waiting and Held. For data connections, use ATH.

+++ Switch from Data Mode to Command Mode

The +++ character sequence causes the module to switch from data mode to command mode. It allows inputting ATcommandswhile maintaining the data connection with the remote device.

ATO Switch from Command Mode to Data Mode

The command resumes the connection and switches back from command mode to data mode.

ATS0 Set Number of Rings before Automatically Answering Call

The command controls automatic answering mode for the incoming calls.

ATS6 Set Pause before Blind Dialing

The command is implemented for compatibility reasons only, and has no effect.

ATS7 Set Timeto Wait for Connection Completion

The command specifies the amount of time(unit: second) to wait for the connection completion in case of answering or originating a call. If no connection is established during the time, the module disconnects from the line.

ATS8 Set the Timeto Wait for Comma Dial Modifier

The command is implemented for compatibility reasons only, and has no effect.

ATS10 Set DisconnectionDelay after Indicating the Absence of Data Carrier

The command determines the amount of time(unit: tenths of a second) during which the UE remains connected in absence of a data carrier.

AT+CBST Select Bearer Service Type

The Write Command selects the bearer service <name>, the data rate <speed> and the connection element <ce> to be used when data calls are originated.

AT+CSTA Select Type of Address

The Write Command selects the type of number for further dialing commands ATD according to 3GPP Specifications. Test command returns values supported a compound value.

AT+CLCC List Current Calls of ME

The execution command returns the list of all current calls. If the command is executed successfully, but no calls existed, no information response but OK is sent to TE.

AT+CR Service Reporting Control

The command controls the module whether or not to transmit an intermediate result code +CR: <serv> to the TE when a call is being set up.

If it is enabled, an intermediate result code is transmitted at the point during connect negotiation at which the TA has determined which speed and quality of service will be used, before any error control or data compression reports are transmitted, and before any final result code (e.g. CONNECT) is transmitted.

AT+CRC Set Cellular Result Codes for Incoming Call Indication

The command controls whether or not to use the extended format of incoming call indication. When it is enabled, an incoming call is indicated to the TE with unsolicited result code +CRING: <type> instead of the normal RING.

AT+CRLP Select Radio Link Protocol Parameter

The Write Command sets radio link protocol (RLP) parameters used when non-transparent data calls are originated.

AT+QECCNUM Configure Emergency Call Numbers

The command can be used to query, add and delete ECC numbers (emergency call numbers). There are two kinds of ECC numbers:ECC numbers without (U)SIM and ECC numbers with (U)SIM.The default ECC numbers without SIM is 911, 112, 00, 08, 110, 999, 118 and 119. The default ECC number with (U)SIM is 911 and 112.911 and 112 will always be supported as ECC numbers, and cannot be deleted. ECC numbers can be saved into NV automatically. If the (U)SIMcardcontains ECC file, the numbers in ECC file can also be regarded as ECC numbers.

AT+QHUP Hang up Call with a Specific Release Cause

The command can terminate a call or calls (including both voice call and data call) with a specific 3GPP TS 24.008 release cause specified by the host.