
Revision as of 08:32, 16 December 2022 by Domnev (talk | contribs)

The information in this page is updated in accordance with firmware version RUTX_R_00.07.02.7.


This article contains instructions on how to configure

Tunnelbroker configuration


Go to and log into your account. If you don't have a registered account then you will need to create one - click register.

IPv6 to IPv4 tunnel setup

Setup IPv6 over IPv4, also known as 6in4 IPv6 transition mechanism

To create a new tunnel, click on create regular tunnel (1), then enter your public IP (it will light up green, if the tunnel can be created with this IP) (2), select the desired tunnel server (3) and create tunnel (4).

After successful tunnel creation, you will be prompt to tunnel details window.

To create a a tunnel instance on your RUT router, navigate to example configurations (1) and select OpenWRT Barrier Breaker (2). Copy and paste the following commands into your RUT CLI. Do not forget to replace YOUR_TUNNELBORKER_USERNAME and YOUR_TUNNELBROKER_PASSWORD with your TunnelBroker account username and password.

In the RUT CLI you can see that the new interface has been successfully created.

Relayd configuration

Relay is a daemon (computer program that runs as a background process) used to relay and dynamically redirect incoming connections to a target host. Its main purpose in RUTxxx routers is to extend the wireless network. For example, when RUTxxx is in STA Wireless Station mode, it can be used to bridge WAN and LAN interfaces to create a larger Wireless network.

This article provides an extensive configuration example of a basic Relay usage scenario with two RUTxxx devices.

Relayd installation

Install relayd package if needed, skip this step on RUTX series devices or if you already installed it on your router

opkg update 
opkg install relayd

WiFi client configuration

Add WiFi interface to make your router act as a WiFi client (connect to another AP)

uci add wireless wifi-iface
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1]=wifi-iface

Add new WiFi interface to 2.4ghz device, can specify 'radio1' for 5ghz

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].device='radio0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].mode='sta'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].network='wifi_wan'

Change SSID here to an SSID that the router will be connecting to

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].ssid='RUT_4474_2G'

Change BSSID here to BSSID that the router will be connecting to (L2 address)

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].bssid='00:1E:42:44:44:74'

Use appropriate auth method, PSK2 = WPA2-PSK here

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].encryption='psk2'

Change secret to appropriate one

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].key='Vc80Tps1'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].disabled='0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].skip_inactivity_poll='0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].wifi_id='wifi1'

New internface configuration

uci set network.wifi_wan=interface
uci set network.wifi_wan.proto='dhcp'
uci set network.wifi_wan.metric='6'
uci set network.wifi_wan.disabled='0'
uci set network.wifi_wan.force_link='0'
uci set network.wifi_wan.broadcast='0'

Set mwan3 settings for new interface wifi_wan

uci set mwan3.wifi_wan=interface
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan.enabled='0'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan.interval='3'
uci set'ipv4'
uci add mwan3 condition
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].interface='wifi_wan'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].track_method='ping'
uci add_list mwan3.@condition[-1].track_ip=''
uci add_list mwan3.@condition[-1].track_ip=''
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].reliability='1'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].count='1'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].timeout='2'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].down='3'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].up='3'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan_member_mwan=member
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan_member_mwan.interface='wifi_wan'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan_member_mwan.metric='1'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan_member_balance=member
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan_member_balance.interface='wifi_wan'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan_member_balance.weight='1'
uci add_list mwan3.mwan_default.use_member='wifi_wan_member_mwan'
uci add_list mwan3.balance_default.use_member='wifi_wan_member_balance'

IPv6 interface creation

uci set network.wifi_wan6=interface
uci set network.wifi_wan6.proto='dhcpv6'
uci set network.wifi_wan6.metric='6'
uci set network.wifi_wan6.disabled='0'
uci set network.wifi_wan6.force_link='0'
uci set network.wifi_wan6.reqaddress='try'
uci set network.wifi_wan6.reqprefix='auto'
uci set network.wifi_wan6.device='@wifi_wan'

Set proper ipv6 settings for wifi_wan6 iface

uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6=interface
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6.enabled='0'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6.interval='3'
uci set'ipv6'
uci add mwan3 condition
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].interface='wifi_wan6'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].track_method='ping'
uci add_list mwan3.@condition[-1].track_ip='2606:4700:4700::1111'
uci add_list mwan3.@condition[-1].track_ip='2001:4860:4860::8888'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].reliability='1'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].count='1'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].timeout='2'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].down='3'
uci set mwan3.@condition[-1].up='3'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6_member_mwan=member
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6_member_mwan.interface='wifi_wan6'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6_member_mwan.metric='1'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6_member_balance=member
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6_member_balance.interface='wifi_wan6'
uci set mwan3.wifi_wan6_member_balance.weight='1'
uci add_list mwan3.mwan_default.use_member='wifi_wan6_member_mwan'
uci add_list mwan3.balance_default.use_member='wifi_wan6_member_balance'
uci set mwan3.default_rule_ipv6=rule
uci set mwan3.default_rule_ipv6.dest_ip='::/0'
uci set mwan3.default_rule_ipv6.use_policy='mwan_default'
uci set'ipv6'

LAN interface configuration

uci set network.lan_repeater=interface
uci set network.lan_repeater.proto='relay'
uci set network.lan_repeater.lan_mark='lan'
uci set network.lan_repeater.enabled='1'
uci set'lan wifi_wan'
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=''

Set DHCP settings for LAN interface (disable dhcp on LAN) and enable IPv6 relay on wifi_wan interface and

uci set dhcp.lan.ignore='1'
uci set dhcp.lan.ra='relay'
uci set dhcp.lan.dhcpv6='relay'
uci set dhcp.lan.ndp='relay'
uci set dhcp.wifi_wan=dhcp
uci set dhcp.wifi_wan.ra='relay'
uci set dhcp.wifi_wan.dhcpv6='relay'
uci set dhcp.wifi_wan.master='1'
uci set dhcp.wifi_wan.ndp='relay'

Firewall configuration

Set firewall zone, using WAN firewall zone for newly created wifi_wan network interface

uci set firewall.@zone[1].network='wan wan6 mob1s1a1 mob1s2a1 wifi_wan'

Commit changes

Save all the changes and restart the configuration

uci commit

Testing the setup

If you've taken all of the steps described above, the configuration is done. But as with any other configuration, it is always wise to test the set up in order to make sure that it works properly.