Gsmctl commands


gsmctl is an SSH command used to communicate with a RUTxxx router's modem. In other words, gsmctl relays AT commands (a set of instructions used to control a modem) to the router's modem; thus, providing the user with a way to control and obtain information from the modem via SSH. This can be used to either obtain certain modem related variables (signal strength, operator, connection state, etc.) or to execute certain actions (sending SMS messages, changing the frequency band, etc.).

This article provides a complete overview on gsmctl commands available in RUTxxx routers.


gsmctl commands can be used on all RUTxxx routers via any type of command line interface (CLI) supported by the router. So all you need is:

gsmctl options

gsmctl commands are used in tandem with various options that specify what type of action should be executed. This section overviews all of the available gsmctl options.

Get IP address of logical interface


-p, --ip <INTERFACE>

Where <INTERFACE> is the name of a network interface. For example:

root@Teltonika:~# gsmctl -p wwan0

Get number of bytes sent

Get number of bytes received

Get 3G connection state