Template:Networking device firmware

This page contains various firmware versions for {{{series}}} devices.

Firmware Version Changelog
Latest FW* [[Media:{{{file_latest}}}|{{{name_latest}}}]] [[{{{series}}}_Firmware#{{{name_latest}}}_.7C_{{{date_latest}}}|{{{date_latest}}}]]
Factory FW** [[Media:{{{file_factory}}}|{{{name_factory}}}]] [[{{{series}}}_Firmware#{{{name_factory}}}_.7C_{{{date_factory}}}|{{{date_factory}}}]]
Bootloader*** [[Media:{{{file_bootloader}}}|{{{name_bootloader}}}]] [[{{{series}}}_Firmware#{{{name_bootloader}}}_.7C_{{{date_bootloader}}}|{{{date_bootloader}}}]]

* Latest FW - firmware candidate for release. This version will usually contain some new features and/or improvements (described in the Change log section of this article) but it hasn't been fully tested and approved by Teltonika's testing and technical support units

** Factory FW - firmware used in mass production

*** Bootloader - a program that loads the operating system or some other system software for the router after completion of the power-on self-tests; it is the loader for the operating system itself. You can find detailed instructions on how to upgrade your Bootloader to a newer version [[{{{series}}} Bootloader Upgrade|here]].

FW checksums

A list of firmware checksums for {{{series}}} firmwares uploaded in this page: [[{{{series}}} Firmware checksum list|checksum list]]