Template:Rms manual reports add new
To generate a report go to the RMS web page, left sidebar panel, Reports and click on Reports dashboard tab (Reports → Reports dashboard).
Single reports
Single (one time) - generates a single report for the selected period. Report(s) are generated manually by user input.
- Using custom period you can generate a report for a custom period of time.
Below is an image showing single reports table.
Periodic reports
Periodic - generates reports periodically at the specified frequency (period). Report(s) are generated automatically.
On top of the screen you will find a number of currently active periodic reports.
Below is an image showing periodic reports table.
Create new
- Move your mouse pointer to on the right side of the panel click the plus icon.
- A new Add new single report pop-up window will appear.
- Fill out and select your desired options. You will find descriptions for each field down below.
- When ready, click the Submit button.
At the top of your screen, you will get a notification in green text: ✔ Company created.
Below are all the description explained for a new report pop-up window.
- Both single and periodic reports have almost identical window for creating reports. Because of that we only have one example for creating a report.
- Name - a custom title for the report
- Description - a custom description for the report
- Report type - the type of the report; can be either:
- Single (one time) - generates a single report for the selected Period - Periodic - generates reports periodically at the specified frequency (Period)
- Period - period of the report. The values for this field are dependent on the chosen Report type:
- Single (one time) - generates a single report based on the data gathered: Last day - over the last 24 hours - Last week - over the last 7 days - Last month - over the last month
- Periodic - generates a report: Daily - every 24 hours - Weekly - every 7 days - Monthly - every month
- Apply for - specifies for which devices the report will be generated:
- All devices - information on all devices in the RMS profile
- Device group - information on devices from the selected group(s) only
- Selected devices - information on selected devices only
- Select report parameters - specifies which router parameters will be displayed in the report:
- Router uptime - router's uptime value for the specified period (not the current uptime)
- Temperature - router's module's minimum, maximum and average temperature values for the specified period
- Connection uptime - mobile data connection uptime value for the specified period (not the current connection uptime)
- Operator - displays to which operators the device was connected during the specified period
- Data usage - sent/received data usage values for the specified period
- Signal strength - minimum, maximum and average signal strength values for the specified period
Generate report
For single reports, you have to manually generate a report after you create it.