How to use UBUS commands for Bluetooth device scanning / pairing

Main Page > General Information > Configuration Examples > Hardware application > How to use UBUS commands for Bluetooth device scanning / pairing

This page contains instructions on how to use ubus commands in CLI / SSH to scan and pair Bluetooth devices on RUTX10/11.

The ubus command line tool allows to interact with the ubusd server (with all currently registered services). It's useful for investigating/debugging registered namespaces as well as writing shell scripts. For calling procedures with parameters and returning responses it uses the user-friendly JSON format.

Before you start using ubus commands to control Bluetooth, make sure to enable it. You can do that in Network -> Bluetooth -> General settings. Click Enable Bluetooth and press Save & Apply.

Networking rutx configuration example bluetooth enable v1.png

  • Now login to CLI or SSH and run scan.start command to start Bluetooth scan:
ubus call blesem scan.start
  • To see scan results, use command scan.result:
ubus call blesem scan.result

The scan takes about 30 seconds. The "scanning": 1 output shows us that scan still in progress. After it finishes you should see a similar output:

      "scanning": 0, 
      "devices": [ 
                      "name": "RT_T", 
                      "rssi": -72, 
                      "address": "FF:CB:FA:6A:23:CB" 

The list of devices always contains "rssi" and "address", but "name" output might be missing:

      "scanning": 0, 
      "devices": [ 
                      "rssi": -42, 
                      "address": "28:21:06:02:72:AD" 
                      "name": "RT_T", 
                      "rssi": -77, 
                      "address": "C6:0D:52:5E:35:D7" 
  • Device pairing command:
ubus call blesem pair '{"address":"FF:CB:FA:6A:23:CB"}'

On success pairing you should see output:

      "success": "device successfully paired" 

On success pairing new device info will be written in blesem service config:

     config device
            option address "FF:CB:FA:6A:23:CB"
  • Device unpairing command:
ubus call blesem unpair '{"address":"FF:CB:FA:6A:23:CB"}'
  • To get statistic from paired devices, use stat command:
ubus call blesem stat '{"address":"FF:CB:FA:6A:23:CB"}'

You should see output:

      "success": "successfully requested status",
      "model": "3901",
      "battery": 98,
      "temperature": "20.34",
      "humidity": 20,
      "firmware": "23",