Serial Interface Control Commands TRM250
Serial Interface Control Commands
AT&C Set DCD Function Mode
The command controls the behavior of the UE’s DCD line.
AT&D Set DTR Function Mode
The command determines how the UE responds if DTR line is changed from low to high level during data mode.
AT+IFC Set TE-TA Local Data Flow Control
The command determines the flow control behavior of the serial port.
Set TE-TA Control Character Framing
The command determines the serial interface character framing format and parity received by TA from TE.
AT+IPR Set TE-TA Fixed Local Rate
The commandis used to query and set the baud rate of the UART. The default baud rate value (<rate>) is 115200bps. The setting of <rate> will not be restored with AT&F.
AT+QRIR* Restore RI Behaviorto Inactive
If the RI (ring indicator) behavior is "always", it can be restored to inactive by the Execution Command. The RI behavior is controlled by AT+QCFG*. Please refer to AT+QCFG="urc/ri/ring", AT+QCFG="urc/ri/smsincoming", and AT+QCFG="urc/ri/other" for more details.