Template:Rms manual management monitoring submenu configuration

  • First, choose a device(s) for which the configuration will apply:

How to change configuration monitoring interval part 1 v1.png

  • Next, scroll your mouse pointer to the Monitoring submenu (found in Management → Monitoring) and click Configuration:

How to change configuration monitoring interval part 2 v1.png

  • After this a new pop-up window should appear. Place check marks next to relevant parameters to set up custom monitoring intervals. On the right you can set up the monitoring update frequency; on the left you can set the time units for that frequency. As you change these settings, an estimated monthly data usage value will be calculated below in real time:
How to change configuration monitoring interval part 3 v1.png
  • Dynamic parameters - every varying router parameter (e.g., uptime, mobile uptime, modem temperature, etc.)
  • Static parameters - every static router parameter (e.g., product code, batch number, hardware revision, etc.)
  • Hotspot parameters - Hotspot related parameters (Hotspot SSID, Hotspot IP address, Users online)
  • GPS parameters - GPS related parameters (e.g., longitude, latitude, altitude, GPS fix status, time, etc.)
  • Input/Output parameters - Input/Output related parameters (states of inputs and outputs)
  • Offline device detection timeout - specifies the frequency at which RMS will check if devices are still online. Unlike other parameters, this applies to all devices in profile
  • Estimated data usage - calculates an estimate of monthly data usage based on the update period values specified above