Setting up external Radius server for Hotspot authentication

Main Page > General Information > Configuration Examples > WIFI > Setting up external Radius server for Hotspot authentication


In this example we will perform a basic external Radius server configuration and test it with RUT device for Hotspot authentication. We will use freeradius package to set up a local Radius server on Ubuntu operating system. A router with a public IP address will be directly connected to the Radius server and forward authentication requests to a LAN IP address of the server via default Radius ports.


  • RUT1 - Router with a Public IP address to make local server able to accept external authentication requests
  • Ubuntu machine - To host a local freeradius server
  • RUT2 - To configure Hotspot and test Radius authentication method using our installed server

Preparing Ubuntu machine

Installing the server

Firstly, update the package list and upgrade to the latest packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Next, install freeradius package:

sudo apt install freeradius

Defining a Client

Client - Hotspot that will use freeradius to authenticate users. In order to add/edit clients, we need to access clients.conf file, use your favourite text editor to access it:

sudo nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf

For this example we will add the following lines in order to accept any IP address as a client:

client {
     secret = demosecret
     shortname =

Note: IP of a specific Public IP of the client can be used instead of

Defining a User and Password

Before we create a user and password, let's use MD5 encryption instead of a clear text password. We will generate MD5 for demo123 password using the following command:

echo -n demo123| md5sum | awk '{print $1}'

We will now define credentials for user demo. Use your favourite text editor to open users file:

sudo nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/users

Add required lines to the file:

demo     MD5-Password:= "62cc2d8b4bf2d8728120d052163a77df"
        Reply-Message := "%{User-Name} authenticated successfully"