VLAN Set Up Test

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Main Page > FAQ > Networking > VLAN Set Up Test


This article contains instructions o how to set up VLAN using a Teltonika-Networks device. Following this example, you will be able to create two different networks (network interfaces) and limit speed on one of the interfaces (or both of them).

For this example, I will be using the RUTX11 device.

Creating VLAN

To create a VLAN follow all the steps below:

  • Access your device WebUI by typing your Routers Private or Public IP in your browser (my router has private IP
  • Next, navigate to Network → Vlan → Port Based
  • Now you'll need to add a new VLAN and change the first VLAN (ID:1) configuration. So basically you need to choose which port you will use for yourself and turn that port Off in VLAN (ID:1). In my example, I've chosen a second Ethernet port for myself.

I've turned off in first VLAN's LAN 2 port and in my new VLAN 3 I've turned on (by choosing Untagged) the LAN2 port:

  • Press Save & Apply

Creating Interface's

  • Now navigate to Network → Interfaces
  • Add a new instance, by entering any interface name and pressing ADD button:
  • Now a new window for your interface configuration will pop up:
    1. For protocol select "Static"
    2. For IPv4 type IP of your choice with a different subnet. For example, if you are using default router configurations your device should have IP: and netmask:, for this example we can change only one number, type:
    3. For Netmask, you can leave it default:
    4. Press the button "SETUP DHCP SERVER"
    5. And leave everything else default, your configuration should look like this:
  • Next, go to the "PHYSICAL SETTINGS"
  • Select your newly created VLAN in the Interface drop-down (it should be named eth0.3):
  • Press "the SAVE & APPLY" button
  • If you've configurated everything correctly your new Interface should be running like in my case:

Testing new VLAN

Now by plugging my PC into the Ethernet cable with the RUTX11 LAN2 port you need to check if everything is working correctly. To do that you'll need:

  • On your Windows machine open CMD (you can do it by typing in Windows search "CMD" and press Enter):
  • In CMD type the command "ipconfig", press Enter and search for Ethernet adapter and check if you got the IP address like I did (192.168.2.x):

If you did, then you've done everything correctly, if you didn't go through all set up again and check if you have missed anything.

Setting up data limit on the interface

This step is optional, complete this if you need to limit internet data on one of your interfaces (or both).

You'll need to create a QoS configuration, for this you'll need to download the QoS package in Services → Package Manager → Packages and limit the internet speed for an interface that you want to be limited.

Note: If you set QoS for the LAN interface, the direction logic is naturally inverted. Egress means "from router towards LAN" = in practice "download from WAN forwarded to LAN".

For more detailed information about how to configure QoS and how it works, you can read it here.