Template:Networking rut manual package manager


This page is an overview of the Packages section of {{{name}}} routers.

The information in this page is updated in accordance with the [[Media:{{{fw_version}}}_WEBUI.bin|{{{fw_version}}}]] firmware version.

Package Manager

The Package Manager is a service used to install, upgrade or remove additional software.


The Installed section displays the names version numbers of software packages currently installed on the router. To remove an installed package click the 'Remove' button located next to it.

Below is an example of the Installed section with the zerotier package installed.



The Upgradable section displays available upgrades for installed packages. Based on the availability of additional software in the current firmware version ({{{fw_version}}}), all packages in the [[{{{name}}}_Packages#Available]] section are their latest version. Therefore, the Upgradable section displays an empty list:



The Available section displays packages that are available to be downloaded from the FOTA server. Currently available packages are:

  • zerotier - ZeroTier One is an open source software product which establishes Peer to Peer VPN (P2PVPN) connection between laptops, desktops, phones, embedded devices, cloud resources, and apps.
    After installion, this service becomes available and can be configured from the Services → [[{{{name}}} SNMP|SNMP]] page.
  • snmpd - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a network management protocol used to collect information from network devices.
    After installion, this service becomes available and can be configured from the Services → [[{{{name}}} SNMP|SNMP]] page.
  • samba36-server -
  • miniupnpd -
  • easycwmp -
  • azure_iothub -

To install an additional software package, click the 'Install' button located next to it:


If the installation was successful, you should see a green rounded rectangle containing a message of succes appear:




