Template:Netoworking rut configuration example cisco gre


Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is a tunneling protocol that can encapsulate a wide variety of network layer protocols inside virtual point-to-point links over an Internet Protocol network.

This article provides an extensive configuration example with details on how to create a tunnel connection between two GRE Tunnel instances, one of which is configured on RUTxxx router and the second one on CISCO device.


You will need:

  • One RUTxxx router
  • One Cisco router
  • A PC to configure the routers
  • Both routers must have a Public Static or Public Dynamic IP addresses

Configuration scheme

RUT configuration

Networking rutxxx configuration example rut settings v1.png

  1. Enable instance.
  2. Select Tunnel source (select your WAN interface).
  3. Enter Remote endpoint IP address (CISCO WAN IP).
  4. Set MTU to 1440.
  5. Write Local GRE interface IP address (create GRE tunnel IP address or just use the same as in the example).
  6. Write Local GRE interface netmask (create GRE tunnel netmask or just use the same as in the example)

Cisco configuration

Networking rutxxx configuration example cisco settings v1.png

  1. Write Description (anything you want).