Revision as of 17:19, 19 March 2020 by Justinasm (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by Lorurn (talk) to last revision by Justinasm)

Main Page > RUT Routers > RUT230 > RUT230 Manual > RUT230 WebUI > RUT230 Services section > RUT230 SNMP


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a popular protocol for network management. It is used for collecting information from, and configuring, network devices. This section is an overview of the SNMP function in RUT routers.

Important: To use SNMP you need to download and install SNMP Package via Package Manager

MIB file downloads


SNMP Configuration

Services snmp configuration v2.png

field name value description
MIB file - Downloads Teltonika's MIB file
Enable SNMP service yes | no; Default: no Toggles SNMP ON or OFF
Enable remote access yes | no; Default: no Opens a port in firewall so that the SNMP service may be reached remotely from WAN
Port integer [0..65535]; Default: 161 SNMP service port
Community Public | Pirvate | Custom; Default: Public SNMP Community is an ID that allows access to a router's SNMP data
Location string; Default: Location Trap named sysLocation
Contact string; Default: [email protected] Trap named sysContact
Name string; Default: Name Trap named sysName
SNMP version v1/v2 | v1/v2/v3 | v3; Default: v1/v2 Specifies which SNMP version is to be used

Trap Settings

Services snmp trap.PNG

field name value description
SNMP trap yes | no; Default: no Toggles SNMP trap ON or OFF
Host/IP host | ip; Default: " " Host to transfer SNMP traffic to
Port integer [0..65535]; Default: 162 Port for trap's host
Community Public | Pirvate; Default: Public SNMP Community is an ID that allows access to a router's SNMP data

SNMP Variables list

ModemImei.0 . Modem IMEI
ModemModel.0 . Modem model
ModemManufacturer.0 . Modem manufacturer
ModemRevision.0 . Modem revision
ModemSerial.0 . Modem serial number
Imsi.0 . Modem IMSI
RouterName.0 . Router's name
ProductCode.0 . Router's Product code
BatchNumber.0 . Router's batch number
HardwareRevision.0 . Router's Hardware Revision number
SimState.0 . SIM card status
PinState.0 . PIN status
NetState.0 . Mobile network registration status
Signal.0 . Signal strength level
Operator.0 . Operator currently in use
OperatorNumber.0 . Operator number (MCC+MNC)
ConnectionState.0 . Data session connection state
ConnectionType.0 . Data session connection type
Temperature.0 . Modem's temperature in 0.1 degrees Celsius
ReceivedToday.0 . Tee current day's RX packet count
SentToday.0 . The current day's TX packet count
ReceivedYesterday.0 . Yesterday's RX packet count
SentYesterday.0 . Yesterday's TX packet count
FirmwareVersion.0 . Router's Firmware version
SimSlot.0 . SIM slot currently in use
RouterUptime.0 . Router up-time in seconds
ConnectionUptime.0 . Mobile connection up-time in seconds
MobileIP.0 . IP address of the mobile interface
Sent.0 . The amount of data sent through the mobile interface
Received.0 . The amount of data received through the mobile interface
CellID.0 . ID of the current mobile operator's cell
SINR.0 . SINR value in dB
RSRP.0 . RSRP value in dBm
RSRQ.0 . RSRQ value in dB
hotSpotId.0 . Hotspot ID
hotSpotSsid.0 . Hotspot SSID
hotSpotEnableState.0 . Hotspot status (enabled or disabled)
hotSpotIP.0 . Hotspot interface IP address
hotSpotDownloadBandWidth.0 . Hotspot download bandwidth
hotSpotUploadBandWidth.0 . Hotspot upload bandwidth
hotSpotUsers.0 . Hotspot users list
hotSpotUsersPass.0 . Hotspot users password list
hotSpotUsersActive.0 . List of active Hotspot users
hotSpotUsersMac.0 . Hotspot users MAC address list
hotSpotUsersIp.0 . Hotspot users IP address list
hotSpotUsersStartTime.0 . Hotspot users log in time list
hotSpotUsersUseTime.0 . Hotspot users log in up-time list
hotSpotUsersDownload . Hotspot users downloaded data count
hotSpotUsersUpload.0 . Hotspot users uploaded data count
hotSpotEndTime.0 . Hotspot
DigitalInput.0 . Digital input state
DigitalIsolatedInput.0 . Digital isolated input state
AnalogInput.0 . Analog input state
DigitalOCOutput.0 . Digital OC output state
DigitalRelayOutput.0 . Digital Relay output state
AnalogInputCalc.0 . Analog input value
Longtitude.0 . GPS Longitude value
Latitude.0 . GPS Latitude value
Accuracy.0 . GPS coordinate accuracy
Datetime.0 . GPS coordinate fix time
NumSatellites.0 . Number of GPS satelites