RUT142 Routing

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Main Page > RUT Routers > RUT142 > RUT142 Manual > RUT142 WebUI > RUT142 Network section > RUT142 Routing

The information in this page is updated in accordance with firmware version RUT14X_R_00.07.10.


The Routing page is used to set up static and dynamic routes, routing tables and rules.

This manual page provides an overview of the Routing windows in RUT142 devices.

If you're having trouble finding this page or some of the parameters described here on your device's WebUI, you should turn on "Advanced WebUI" mode. You can do that by clicking the "Advanced" button, located at the top of the WebUI.

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Static Routes

Routes ensure that network traffic finds its path to a specified host or network, both in local and remote network scenarios. Static routes are simply fixed routing entries in the routing table(s).

This section provides the possibility to configure custom static routes.

Static IPv4 Routes

The Static IPv4 Routes section displays a list of user defined static IPv4 routes and provides the possibility to add and configure new ones. The list is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing static routes static ipv4 routes.png

To add a new route and begin editing, simply click the 'Add' button. Refer to the table below for information on static route configuration fields.

Networking rutos manual routing static routes static ipv4 routes new route.png

Field Value Description
Interface network interface; default: lan Network interface of the target network.
Target* ip4; default: none Destination network address.
IPv4-Netmask* netmask; default: none A netmask is used to divide an IP address into sub-networks (subnets). Combined together, the 'Netmask' and 'Target' values define the exact destination network or IP address to which this route applies.
IPv4-Gateway ip4; default: none A gateway can be any machine in a network that is capable of serving as an access point to another network. Traffic that matches this route will be directed over the IP address specified in this field.
Metric integer [0..255]; default: none The metric value acts as a measurement of priority. If a packet about to be routed matches two or more rules, the one with the lower metric is applied.
MTU integer [64..9000]; default: 1500 Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction.
Route Type unicast | local | broadcast | multicast | unreachable | prohibit | backhole | anycast | -- custom -- ; default: unicast Selects route type. Each type specifies a different behavior for the route:
  • unicast - most common type of route, simply describes a path to a destination.
  • local - routes of this type are added to the 'local' routing table and used only for locally hosted IPs.
  • broadcast - routes of this type are added to the 'local' routing table and used by link layer devices that support the broadcast address principle.
  • multicast - used for distribution of multicast traffic.
  • unreachable - sends an ICMP "unreachable" response to the source address when a request for a routing decision returns a "destination with an unreachable route type" message.
  • prohibit - used to prohibit traffic to specified host or network. When a destination is prohibited, the kernel sends a 'Network is unreachable' response the source address.
  • blackhole - packets that match this type of route are discarded without any response.
  • anycast - provides a possibility to route incoming requests to multiple different network locations.
  • -- custom -- - does not use any of the predefined route types.

*Additional notes on 'Target' & 'Netmask' fields:

You can define a rule that applies to a single IP like this:

  • Target: some IP
  • Netmask:

Furthermore, you can create target/netmask combinations that apply to a range of IPs. Refer to the table below for examples.

Target Netmask Network range - - - -

Static IPv6 Routes

The Static IPv6 Routes section displays a list of user defined static IPv6 routes and provides the possibility to add and configure new ones. The list is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing static routes static ipv6 routes.png

To add a new route and begin editing, simply click the 'Add' button. Refer to the table below for information on static route configuration fields.

Networking rutos manual routing static routes static ipv6 routes new route.png

Field Value Description
Interface network interface; default: lan Network interface of the target network.
Target ip6; default: none Destination network address.
IPv6-Gateway ip6; default: none A gateway can be any machine in a network that is capable of serving as an access point to another network. Traffic that matches this route will be directed over the IP address specified in this field.
Metric integer [0..255]; default: none The metric value acts as a measurement of priority. If a packet about to be routed matches two or more rules, the one with the lower metric is applied.
MTU integer [64..9000]; default: 1500 Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. It is the largest size of a protocol data unit (PDU) that can be transmitted in a single network layer transaction.
Route Type unicast | local | broadcast | multicast | unreachable | prohibit | backhole | anycast | -- custom -- ; default: unicast Selects route type. Each type specifies a different behavior for the route:
  • unicast - most common type of route, simply describes a path to a destination.
  • local - routes of this type are added to the 'local' routing table and used only for locally hosted IPs.
  • broadcast - routes of this type are added to the 'local' routing table and used by link layer devices that support the broadcast address principle.
  • multicast - used for distribution of multicast traffic.
  • unreachable - sends an ICMP "unreachable" response to the source address when a request for a routing decision returns a "destination with an unreachable route type" message.
  • prohibit - used to prohibit traffic to specified host or network. When a destination is prohibited, the kernel sends a 'Network is unreachable' response the source address.
  • blackhole - packets that match this type of route are discarded without any response.
  • anycast - provides a possibility to route incoming requests to multiple different network locations.
  • -- custom -- - does not use any of the predefined route types.

Policy Based Routing

The Policy Based Routing section is used to configure policy-based routing infrastructures, which are usually used in more complex or specific networking scenarios.

Routing Tables

Routing Tables store network routes. Tables are checked before every routing decision until a matching route is found. Having multiple tables allows the user to set up a policy routing infrastructure. Policy-based routing is a technique where routing decisions are based on policies (rule) set by the user.

The 'Routing Tables' section displays user created routing tables. By default, the list is empty.

Networking rutos manual routing advanced static routes routing tables.png

To create a new table, look to the 'Add New Routing Table' section below. Enter an ID for the new table in the range of [1..252], enter a custom name and click the 'Add' button. The new table should appear in the 'Routing Tables' list. Click the 'Edit' button next to it to begin editing.

Networking rutos manual routing advanced static routes add new routing table.gif

Refer to the table below for information on configuration fields for routing tables.

Networking rutos manual routing advanced static routes routing tables routing table settings v1.png

Field Value Description
Name of Table string; default: none A custom name for the table. A table can be invoked by the both its ID or name.
ID of Table integer [1..252]; default: none Unique numerical identifier for the table. A table can be invoked by the both its ID or name.

Routing Rules For IPv4

Routing Rules provide a way to route certain packets with exceptions, i.e., in accordance to a rule. 'Routing Rules For IPv4' displays user defined routing rules. It is empty by default. To create a new rule, click the 'Add' button and begin editing by clicking the 'Edit' button located to the right of the newly created rule.

Networking rutos manual routing advanced static routes routing rules for ipv4 v1 begin to edit.gif

Refer to table below for information on each configuration field.

Networking rutos manual routing advanced static routes routing rules for ipv4 settings.png

Field Value Description
Priority integer [0..65535]; default: none Controls the order of IP rules. Rules with a lower priority value will be checked first.
Incoming interface network interface | Any; default: Any Logical interface name for incoming traffic. Select 'Any' to make the rule apply to all network interfaces.
Outgoing interface network interface | None; default: None Logical interface name for incoming traffic. Select 'None' to ignore outgoing interface.
Source subnet netmask; default: none Source subnet to match the rule.
Destination subnet netmask; default: none Destination subnet to match the rule.
TOS Value to Match integer [0..255]; default: none The type of service (ToS) value to match in IP headers.
Firewall Mark integer [0..255] | hex [0x00..0xFF]; default: none Specifies the fwmark and optionally its mask to match. For example, 0xFF to match mark 255 or 0x0/0x1 to match any even mark value.
Invert matches off | on; default: off If enabled, the meaning of the match options (Firewall Mark, TOS Value, Source and Destination subnets) is inverted.
Matched Traffic Action Lookup Table | Jump to rule | Routing Action; default: Lookup Table When network traffic matches this rule, the device will take an action specified in this field:
  • Lookup Table - routes traffic in accordance with the specified routing table.
  • Jump to rule - specifies another routing rule to follow.
  • Routing Action - executes one of four predefined routing actions.
Lookup Table routing table; default: none Specifies a table for routing traffic that matches this rule. This field is visible only when 'Matched Traffic Action' is set to Lookup Table.
Jump to rule rule priority number; default: none Specifies a another rule to follow for traffic that matches this rule. This field is visible only when 'Matched Traffic Action' is set to Jump to rule.
Routing Action Prohibit | Unreachable | Blackhole | Throw; default: Prohibit When traffic matches this rule, the action specified in this field will be executed. This field is visible only when 'Matched Traffic Action' is set to Routing Action.

Dynamic Routes

Dynamic Routing provides the possibility to route data based on current network or device state instead of relying on static entries in the routing table. The RUT142 device supports these dynamic routing protocols:

  • BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
  • RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
  • OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
  • EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
  • NHRP (Next Hop Resolution Protocol)

Each protocol is described in the sections below.

Note: Dynamic Routing is additional software that can be installed from the System → Package Manager page.


The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is a standardized exterior gateway protocol designed to exchange routing and reachability information among autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet. The protocol is often classified as a path vector protocol but is sometimes also classed as a distance-vector routing protocol. The Border Gateway Protocol makes routing decisions based on paths, network policies, or rule-sets configured by a network administrator and is involved in making core routing decisions.

General Settings

The General Settings section is used to turn BGP protocol usage on or off or to upload an external BGP configuration. Below is an example of the BGP General Settings section.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp general settings v1.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns BGP protocol usage on or off.
Enable vty off | on; default: off Turns vty access on or off.
Import config - (interactive button) Uploads an external BGP configuration.

BGP Instance

To create a new BGP instance, look to the Add New Instance section under BGP instances; type in a custom name for the BGP instance and click the 'Add' button or you can 'Edit' a general instance:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp bgp instance edit.png

You will be redirected to general BGP instance settings:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp bgp instance v2.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns the BGP instance on or off.
AS integer [1..4294967295]; default: none AS number is an identification of an autonomous system. BGP protocol uses the AS number for detecting whether the BGP connection is an internal one or external one.
BGP router ID 32-bit integer; default: none The router ID is used by BGP to identify the routing device from which a packet originated. Default router ID value is selected as the largest IP Address of the interface.
Network ip/netmask; default: none Adds an announcement network(s). Routes to these networks will be shared over BGP.
VRF interface VRF interface; default: Default To create new VRF interface, please visit: VRF
Redistribution options Connected routes | Kernel added routes | NHRP routes | OSPF routes | Static routes | custom; default: none Distributes selected routes. Route redistribution is a process that allows a network to use a routing protocol to dynamically route traffic based on information learned from a separate routing protocol.
Deterministic MED off | on; default: off Compares MEDs between same AS, while ignoring their age.
eBGP Requires Policy off | on; default: on Enable/Disable eBGP Import or Export policy requirement. Enabled by default as per RFC 8212.
BGP Peers

BGP Peers are routers in the same BGP Peer Group that can redistribute routes among other BGP Peers. Below is an example of the BGP Peers section, which is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp bgp peers v2.png

To create a new Peer, look to the Add New Instance section under BGP Peer; type in a custom name for the BGP Peer and click the 'Add' button:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp bgp peers add button v1.png

You will be redirected to general peer settings:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp bgp peers bgp peer v4.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns this BGP peer on or off.
Remote AS integer [1..4294967295]; default: none Remote autonomous system number of this remote BGP Neighbor.
Remote address ip4; default: none IPv4 address of this remote BGP Neighbor. This option is required.
Remote port integer [0..65535]; default: none Listening port number of the BGP Neighbor.
EBGP Multihop integer; default: none Time to Live value for packets associated with this remote BGP Neighbor.
Weight integer [0..65535]; default: none Specifies a default weight value for the neighbor’s routes. Higher weight is preferred.
Keepalive timer integer [0..65535]; default: none Frequency (in seconds) of keep alive messages.
Holdtime integer [0..65535]; default: none Max wait time (in seconds) for a response from this neighbor before considering the peer unreachable.
Connect timer integer [1..65535]; default: none Max time (in seconds) to make a connection to this peer. If a connection cannot be made in this time, connection to this peer is considered unsuccessful.
Default originate off | on; default: off Announces default routes to this peer.
Description string; default: none A custom description for this BGP peer. Used for easier management purposes only.
Password string; default: none Password for this BGP Neighbor.
BGP Peer Groups

A BGP Peer Group is a collection of routers that use the BGP protocol to dynamically redistribute routes among peers (other routers). The figure below is an example of the BGP Peer Groups section, which is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp bgp peer groups v2.png

To create a new Peer Group, look to the Add New Instance section under BGP Peer Groups; type in a custom name for the BGP Peer Group and click the 'Add' button:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp bgp peers groups add button v1.png

You will be redirected to general peer groups settings:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp bgp peer groups bgp peer group v2.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns the BGP Peer Group configuration on or off.
Remote AS integer [1..65535]; default: none Neighbour's remote AS.
Neighbor address ip4; default: none Neighbour's remote IPv4 address.
Listen Range ip4 with mask; default: none Accept connections from any peers in the specified prefix.
Advertisement interval integer; default: none Delay between updates for a neighbor session (in seconds).
Neighbor configuration None | Route Reflector client | Route Server client; default: None Defines the role of a BGP Neighbor.
  • Route Reflector client - redistributes received routes.
  • Route Server client - distributes routes.
Disable next hop calculation off | on; default: off Turns next hop calculation for this BGP Peer Group on or off.
Apply also to ibgp-learned routes off | on; default: off When acting as a route reflector, applies to ibgp-learned routes as well. This field becomes visible when 'Disable next hop calculation' is turned on.
Inbound soft-reconfiguration off | on; default: off Turns inbound soft-reconfiguration for this Neighbor on or off.
Disable connected check off | on; default: off When turned on, Disable connected check enables a directly connected eBGP Neighbor to peer using a loopback address without adjusting the default TTL of 1.
Route Map Filters

The Route Map Filters section is used to configure special filters that changes direction for BGP Peers. Below is an example of the Route Map Filters section which is empty by default. You can add a new filter by clicking the 'Add' button

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp route maps filters add button v1.png

An Route Map Filters configuration for BGP should look similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp route maps filters configuration v1.png

Field Value Description
Peer bgp peer; default: - Applies the filter rule for the specified peer.
Route map route map; default: - Route map filter to apply.
Direction Inbound | Outbound; default: Inbound If direction is Inbound, the access list is applied to input routes. If direction is Outbound the access list is applied to advertised routes.
Enable off | on; default: off Turns an Route Map filter on or off.

Access List Filters

The Access List Filters section is used to configure special filters that restrict or allow access to specified networks for BGP Peers. Below is an example of the Access List Filters section which is empty by default. You can add a new filter by clicking the 'Add' button

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp access list filters add button v1.png

An Access List Filter configuration for BGP should look similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp access list filters configuration v2.png

Field Value Description
Peer bgp peer; default: - Applies the filter rule for the specified peer.
Action Permit | Deny; default: Permit When BGP traffic matches this rule, the device will take the action specified in this field, which is to either allow or block traffic.
Filter network Any | custom; default: Any Applies filter rule for this source network.
Direction Inbound | Outbound; default: Inbound If direction is Inbound, the access list is applied to input routes. If direction is Outbound the access list is applied to advertised routes.
Enable off | on; default: off Turns an Access filter on or off.

Route Maps

A Route Maps allow you to configure a filtering criteria by defining a set of rules or match statements with a permit or deny condition. It includes a series of match statements to determine if a route matches the criteria defined in the statement and then apply the permit or deny rule accordingly.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp route maps v1.png

To create a new Route Maps, look to the Add New Instance section under Route Maps; type in a custom name for the Route Map and click the 'Add' button:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp route maps add button v1.png

You will be redirected to general route maps settings:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes bgp route maps edit v1.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns the Route Maps configuration on or off.
Action Permit | Deny; default: Permit IPv4 address of this remote BGP Neighbor.
Local preference integer [0..4294967295]; default: none Used to determine best route towards a certain destination.
Metric ip4 with mask; default: none Sets a metric value for determining the preferred path into an AS.


The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is one of the oldest distance-vector routing protocols which employ the hop count as a routing metric. RIP prevents routing loops by implementing a limit on the number of hops allowed in a path from source to destination. The maximum number of hops allowed for RIP is 15, which limits the size of networks that RIP can support. A hop count of 16 is considered an infinite distance and the route is considered unreachable. RIP implements the split horizon, route poisoning and holddown mechanisms to prevent incorrect routing information from being propagated.

General Settings

The General Settings section is used to configure some of the main operating parameters of the RIP protocol. Below is an example of the RIP General Settings section.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes rip general settings v1.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns RIP Protocol usage on or off.
Enable vty off | on; default: off Turns vty access on or off.
Import config - (interactive button) Upload a external RIP configuration.
Version 2 | 1; default: 2 Specifies the used version of the RIP protocol.
Neighbor rip neighbor; default: none Defines a RIP Neighbor(s).

RIP Interfaces

The RIP Interfaces section is used to define which existing network interfaces can participate in RIP communication. Below is an example of the RIP Interfaces section which is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes rip rip interfaces.png

To create a new RIP Interface, look to the Add New Interface section; enter a custom name and click the 'Add' button:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes rip rip interfaces add button.png

RIP Interface configuration should look similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes rip rip interfaces configuration v1.png

Field Value Description
Interface network interface; default: loopback Network interface that will be used with the RIP protocol.
Passive interface off | on; default: off Sets the specified interface to passive mode. On passive mode interface, all receiving packets are processed as normal and ripd does not send either multicast or unicast RIP packets.
Enable off | on; default: off Turns a RIP Interface on or off.
Delete - (interactive button) Deletes RIP inerfaces instance.

Access list filters

The Access List Filters section is used to configure special filters that restrict or allow access to specified networks for RIP Neighbors. Below is an example of the Access List Filters section which is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes rip access list filters.png

To add a new filter, look to the Add New Instance section; enter a custom name and select RIP interface then click the 'Add' button:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes rip access list filters add button v1.png

An Access List Filter configuration for RIP should look similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes rip access list filters configuration v1.png

Field Value Description
Name string on; default: none A custom name for a filter. Used for easier management purposes only.
Enable off | on; default: off Turns an Access filter on or off.
RIP interface rip interface; default: none Specifies the RIP interface to which the filter will apply to.
Action Permit | Deny; default: Permit When RIP traffic matches this rule, the device will take the action specified in this field, which is to either allow or block traffic.
Network ip/netmask | Any; default: Any Matches traffic destined or originating from (depends on 'Direction' selection) to the network specified in this field.
Direction Inbound | Outbound; default: Inbound Matches network traffic direction, which can either be traffic destined to this device (Inbound) or traffic originating from this device (Outbound).


Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a routing protocol for Internet Protocol (IP) networks. It uses a link state routing (LSR) algorithm and falls into the group of interior gateway protocols (IGPs), operating within a single autonomous system (AS). It is defined as OSPF Version 2 in RFC 2328 for IPv4.

General Settings

The General Settings section is used to configure some of the main operating parameters of the OSPF protocol. Below is an example of the OSPF General Settings section.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol general settings v3.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns OSPF Protocol usage on or off.
Enable vty off | on; default: off Turns vty access on or off.
Import - (interactive) Uploads a external OSPF configuration.
Router ID 32-bit integer; default: none Sets the router-ID in the OSPF network.
Passive interfaces network interface(s); default: none Network interfaces that should be considered as passive. OSPF hello packets are not sent on these interfaces.
Generate a default external route off | default | always; default: off Defines the behavior for advertising a default route over OSPF. Possible values are:
  • off - does not advertise a default route.
  • default - advertises the default route if the route is in the routing table.
  • always - specifies to always advertise the default route regardless of whether the routing table has a default route.
Redistribution options Connected routes | Kernel | NHRP | BGP | OSPF | RIP | EIGRP | Static; default: none Distributes selected routes. Route redistribution is a process that allows a network to use a routing protocol to dynamically route traffic based on information learned from a separate routing protocol.

OSPF Interface

The OSPF Interfaces section is used to define which existing network interfaces can participate in OSPF communication. Below is an example of the OSPF Interfaces section which is empty by default. To create a new OSPF Interface, simply click the 'Add' button:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf interface add button.png

OSPF Interface configuration should look similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf interface begin to edit.png

Field Value Description
Interface network interface; default: loopback Network interface that will be used with the OSPF protocol.
Enable off | on; default: off Turns an OSPF Interface on or off.

To see more settings for an OSPF interface, click the 'Edit' button next to it:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf interface edit button.png

You should directed to a window such as this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf interface configuration v2.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns the OSPF area on or off.
Cost integer [1..65535]; default: none The cost value is set to router-LSA’s metric field and used for SPF calculation.
Hello Interval integer [1..65535]; default: 10 Frequency (in seconds) at which a "Hello" packet is sent out on the specified interface.
Router Dead Interval integer [1..65535]; default: 40 This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common OSPF network.
Retransmit integer [0..65535]; default: 5 Used in Database Description and Link State Request packet re-transmission.
Priority integer [0..255]; default: 1 OSPF router priority. The router with the highest priority will be more eligible to become the "Designated Router". Setting the value to 0, makes the router ineligible to become a "Designated Router."
Type Broadcast | Non-Broadcast | Point-to-point | Point-to-Multipoint; default: Broadcast OSPF interface configuration type.
Authentication None | Password | MD5 HMAC; default: None Specifies the Authentication method.

OSPF Neighbors

The OSPF Neighbors section can be used to configure other users ("neighbors") of the same OSPF network statically.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf neighbor configuration v1.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns this OSPF neighbor configuration on or off.
Neighbor ip4; default: none IP address of the OSPF neighbor.
Neighbor Priority integer [1..255]; default: none Priority of this neighbor
Polling interval integer [1..65535]; default: none Check for dead neighbor interval (in seconds).


An OSPF Area is a collection of OSPF Networks that can serve each other. Below is an example of the OSPF Area section which is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf area.png

To add a new OSPF Area, look to the Add New Area section; enter a custom name and click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf area add button.png

The newly added new Area will appear in the OSPF Area list.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf area configuration v1.png

Field Value Description
Name string on; default: none A custom name for an OSPF Area. Used for easier management purposes only.
Area 32-bit integer; default: none OSPF Area ID. OSPF Networks that are meant to communicate with each other should belong to the same Area (have the Area ID).
STUB off | on; default: off A stub area is an area in which advertisements of external routes are not allowed, reducing the size of the database.
Enable off | on; default: off Turns an OSPF Area on or off.

OSPF Networks

The OSPF Network section is used to add networks to OSPF areas that can later be shared (provide access to) with other OSPF routers.

Below is an example of the OSPF Area section which is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf networks.png

To add a new OSPF Network, look to the Add New Network section; enter a custom name and click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf network add button.png

Your new network will appear in the OSPF Networks list

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes ospf protocol ospf networks configuration.png

Field Value Description
Name string on; default: none A custom name for an OSPF Area. Used for easier management purposes only.
Network ip/netmask; default: none IP address/netmask of a network. OSPF Network locations are shared with other OSPF routers.
Area OSPF area; default: none ID of an OSPF Area (to which this network should belong to).
Enable off | on; default: off Turns the usage of this network (in OSPF) on or off.


Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is an advanced distance-vector routing protocol that is used on a computer network for automating routing decisions and configuration.


The General Settings section is used to configure some of the main operating parameters of the EIGRP protocol. Below is an example of the EIGRP General Settings section.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes eigrp general settings v1.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns EIGRP protocol usage on or off.
Enable logging off | on; default: off Turns logging of EIGRP traffic on or off.
AS integer [1..65535]; default: none EIGRP Autonomous System (AS) number. It is an identifier that represents a routing domain; EIGRP routers can exchange routes within the same Autonomous System.
Router ID ip4; default: none The router ID is used by EIGRP to identify the routing device from which a packet originated. Default router ID value is selected as the largest IP Address of the interface.
Network ip/netmask; default: none Adds an announcement network(s). Routes to these networks will be shared over EIGRP.
Redistribution options Connected routes | Kernel added routes | NHRP routes | OSPF routes | Static routes | custom; default: none Distributes selected routes. Route redistribution is a process that allows a network to use a routing protocol to dynamically route traffic based on information learned from a separate routing protocol.
Neighbors ip4; default: none Defines the EIGRP Neighbors (based on their IP addresses) that this device is meant to associate with.


Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) is a protocol or method that can be used so that a computer sending data to another computer can learn the most direct route (the fewest number of hops) to the receiving computer.

General Settings

The General Settings section is used to turn NHRP protocol usage on or off. Below is an example of the NHRP General Settings section.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp general settings v2.png

Field Value Description
Enable service off | on; default: off Turns NHRP protocol usage on or off.
Enable logging off | on; default: off Turns NHRP traffic logging on or off.


The Interfaces section is used to define which existing network interfaces can participate in NHRP communication. Below is an example of the NHRP Interfaces section which is empty by default.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp interfaces v2.png

To create a new NHRP Interface, look to the Add New Interface section; enter a custom name and click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp interfaces add button v2.png

The newly added NHRP interface will appear in the Interfaces list and should look similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp interfaces begin to edit v2.png

To see more settings for an NHRP Interface, click the 'Edit' button next to it. You will be redirected to a window that looks similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp interfaces interface configuration v2.png

Field Value Description
Enabled off | on; default: off Turns the NHRP Interface on or off.
Interface network interface; default: br-lan Network interface associated with this NHRP Interface.
Network ID 32-bit integer; default: none A numerical identifier for this NHRP Interface.
NHRP authentication key string; default: none A password used in NHRP authentication.
NHS dynamic | custom(ip4); default: dynamic IP address of a Next-Hop server.
NBMA ip4; default: none Non-Broadcast Multi-Access (NBMA) network IP address.
Hold-time integer; default: 7200 Specifies the holding time (in seconds) for NHRP Registration Requests and Resolution Replies sent from this interface or shortcut-target.
IPsec support off | on; default: off Turns usage of NHRP over IPsec for this Interface on or off.
IPsec instance string; default: none Specifies which existing IPsec instance should be associated with this NHRP Interface. This field becomes visible only when IPsec support is set to 'on'.
NHRP Mappings Configuration

The NHRP Mappings Configuration section is used to configure (map) associations between NHRP router IP address and NBMAs. Below is an example of the NHRP Mappings Configuration section which is empty by default. To add a new configuration, simply click the 'Add' button:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp interfaces nhrp mappings configuration add button v2.png

The newly added configuration should appear in the NHRP Mappings Configuration list and look similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp interfaces nhrp mappings configuration edit v2.png

Field Value Description
IP Address ip4; default: none Network ID of another NHRP router.
NBMA ip4; default: none IP address of a Next-Hop server.
Enabled off | on; default: off Turns this mapping configuration on or off.
NHRP NHS Configuration

The NHRP uses next hop servers (NHS) to register. Below is an example of the NHRP NHS Configuration section which is empty by default. To add a new configuration, simply click the 'Add' button:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp interfaces nhrp nhs configuration v1.png

The newly added configuration should appear in the NHRP NHS Configuration list and look similar to this:

Networking rutos manual routing dynamic routes nhrp interfaces nhrp nhs configuration add v1.png

Field Value Description
NHS IP Address ip4; default: none Static Next Hop Server IP address.
NBMA ip4; default: none Non-Broadcast Multi-Access(NBMA) network IP address of this NHS.
Enabled off | on; default: off Turns NHFRP NHS configuration on or off.