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Main Page > EOL Products > RUT240 > RUT240 Manual > RUT240 WebUI > RUT240 Services section > RUT240 SNMP


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a popular protocol for network management. It is used for collecting information from, and configuring, network devices. This section is an overview of the SNMP function in RUT routers.

MIB file downloads


SNMP Configuration

Services snmp configuration v2.png

MIB file - Downloads Teltonika's MIB file
Enable SNMP service yes | no; Default: no Toggles SNMP ON or OFF
Enable remote access yes | no; Default: no Opens a port in firewall so that the SNMP service may be reached remotely from WAN
Port integer [0..65535]; Default: 161 SNMP service port
Community Public | Pirvate | Custom; Default: Public SNMP Community is an ID that allows access to a router's SNMP data
Location string; Default: Location Trap named sysLocation
Contact string; Default: [email protected] Trap named sysContact
Name string; Default: Name Trap named sysName
SNMP version v1/v2 | v1/v2/v3 | v3; Default: v1/v2 Specifies which SNMP version is to be used

Trap Settings

Services snmp trap.PNG

SNMP trap yes | no; Default: no Toggles SNMP trap ON or OFF
Host/IP host | ip; Default: " " Host to transfer SNMP traffic to
Port integer [0..65535]; Default: 162 Port for trap's host
Community Public | Pirvate; Default: Public SNMP Community is an ID that allows access to a router's SNMP data

SNMP Variables list

SNMP Variables/OID
ModemImei.0 . Modem IMEI
ModemModel.0 . Modem model
ModemManufacturer.0 . Modem manufacturer
ModemRevision.0 . Modem revision
ModemSerial.0 . Modem serial number
Imsi.0 . Modem IMSI
RouterName.0 . Router's name
ProductCode.0 . Router's Product code
BatchNumber.0 . Router's batch number
HardwareRevision.0 . Router's Hardware Revision number
SimState.0 . SIM card status
PinState.0 . PIN status
NetState.0 . Mobile network registration status
Signal.0 . Signal strength level
Operator.0 . Operator currently in use
OperatorNumber.0 . Operator number (MCC+MNC)
ConnectionState.0 . Data session connection state
ConnectionType.0 . Data session connection type
Temperature.0 . Modem's temperature in 0.1 degrees Celsius
ReceivedToday.0 . Tee current day's RX packet count
SentToday.0 . The current day's TX packet count
ReceivedYesterday.0 . Yesterday's RX packet count
SentYesterday.0 . Yesterday's TX packet count
FirmwareVersion.0 . Router's Firmware version
SimSlot.0 . SIM slot currently in use
RouterUptime.0 . Router up-time in seconds
ConnectionUptime.0 . Mobile connection up-time in seconds
MobileIP.0 . IP address of the mobile interface
Sent.0 . The amount of data sent through the mobile interface
Received.0 . The amount of data received through the mobile interface
CellID.0 . ID of the current mobile operator's cell
SINR.0 . SINR value in dB
RSRP.0 . RSRP value in dBm
RSRQ.0 . RSRQ value in dB
hotSpotId.0 . Hotspot ID
hotSpotSsid.0 . Hotspot SSID
hotSpotEnableState.0 . Hotspot status (enabled or disabled)
hotSpotIP.0 . Hotspot interface IP address
hotSpotDownloadBandWidth.0 . Hotspot download bandwidth
hotSpotUploadBandWidth.0 . Hotspot upload bandwidth
hotSpotUsers.0 . Hotspot users list
hotSpotUsers.0 . Hotspot users password list
hotSpotUsersActive.0 . List of active Hotspot users
hotSpotUsersMac.0 . Hotspot users MAC address list
hotSpotUsersIp.0 . Hotspot users IP address list
hotSpotUsersStartTime.0 . Hotspot users log in time list
hotSpotUsersUseTime.0 . Hotspot users log in up-time list
hotSpotUsersUseTime.0 . Hotspot users downloaded data count
hotSpotUsersUpload.0 . Hotspot users uploaded data count
hotSpotEndTime.0 . Hotspot
DigitalInput.0 . Digital input state
DigitalIsolatedInput.0 . Digital isolated input state
AnalogInput.0 . Analog input state
DigitalOCOutput.0 . Digital OC output state
DigitalRelayOutput.0 . Digital Relay output state
AnalogInputCalc.0 . Analog input value
Longtitude.0 . GPS Longitude value
Latitude.0 . GPS Latitude value
Accuracy.0 . GPS coordinate accuracy
Datetime.0 . GPS coordinate fix time
NumSatellites.0 . Number of GPS satelites