Template:Networking rut2xx manual vpn stunnel

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Stunnel Globals

The Stunnel Globals section is used to manage the Stunnel service as a whole. Refer to the figure and table below for information on the fields contained in the Stunnel Globals section.


Field Value Description
Use alternative config yes | no; default: no Turns the possibility to upload an external Stunnel configuration file on or off.if you turn this on, other Stunnel configurations present in the router will become inactive.
Upload alternative config file; default: none Uploads an Stunnel configuration file.

Stunnel client/server

To create a new Stunnel instance, go to the Services → VPN → Stunnel section, enter a custom name and click the 'Add' button. An Stunnel instance with the given name will appear in the "Stunnel Configuration" list.

To begin configuration, click the 'Edit' button located next to the instance. Refer to the figure and table below for information on the Stunnel instance's configuration fields:


Field Value Description
Enable yes | no; default: no Turns the Stunnel instance on or off.
Operating Mode Server | Client; default: Server Selects the Stunnel instance's role.
  • Server - listens for connecting Stunnel clients.
  • Client - listens for connecting OpenVPN clients and connects to an Stunnel server.
Listen IP ip; default: none Makes the instance "listen" for incoming connections on the specified IP address. When left empty, the value of this field defaults to localhost (
Listen Port integer [0..65535]; default: none Makes the instance "listen" for incoming connections on the specified TCP port. Make sure you chose a port that is not being used by another service. You will also have to allow traffic on the specified port. You can do this via the Network → Firewall → Traffic Rulles → [[{{{name}}}_Firewall#Open_Ports_On_Router|Open Ports On Router]] section.
Connect IP's ip:port; default: none IP:Port to listen for VPN connections. When left empty the value of this field is interpreted as localhost. Must contain at least one item. If multiple options are specified, remote address is chosen using a round-robin algorithm.
TLS Cipher None | Secure | Custom; default: None Packet encryption algorithm cipher.
Allowed TLS Ciphers string; default: none A list of TLS ciphers accepted for this connection.
Application Protocol Connect | SMTP | Not specified; default: Not specified This option enables initial, protocol-specific negotiation of the TLS encryption. The protocol option should not be used with TLS encryption on a separate port.
Protocol Authentication Connect: Basic | NTLM; default: Basic
SMTP: Plain | Login; default: Plain
Authentication type for the protocol negotiations.
Protocol Domain string; default: none Domain for the protocol negotiations.
Protocol Host host:port; default: none Specifies the final TLS server to be connected to by the proxy, and not the proxy server directly connected by Stunnel. The proxy server should be specified along with the connect option.
Protocol Username string; Default: none Username for authentication to the protocol negotiations.
Protocol Password string; default: none Password for authentication to the protocol negotiations.
Certificate File .crt file; default: none TLS client or server certificate file.
Private Key .key file; default: none TLS client or server key file.