
Revision as of 18:12, 9 November 2022 by Domnev (talk | contribs)


Inputs and outputs are used for monitoring and controlling a connected device or receiving signals from that device in order to trigger certain events.

Configuration overview and prerequisites

Before we begin, let's overview the configuration that we are attempting to achieve and the prerequisites that make it possible.


  • Two RUT955 routers (one of them with an active data connection)
  • An end device (PC, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone)
  • Router's LANs should be in different subnet

Router configuration

If you have familiarized yourself with the configuration scheme and have all of the devices in order, you can start configuring your routers using instructions provided in this section.

If you're having trouble finding this page or some of the parameters described here on your device's WebUI, you should >turn on "Advanced WebUI" mode. . You can do that by clicking the "Basic" button under "Mode", which is located at the top-right corner of the WebUI.

Basic WebUI Advanced.gif



SMS Utilities configuration

  • Log into Router 1 WebUI;
  • Go to the Services → Mobile Utilities → SMS Utilities page;
  • Enter desired SMS text command (1) and select action (2);
  • Add new instance (3);
SMS utils add.png

After this you should redirected to configuration page for that rule:

SMS utils SMS config.png
  1. Open General tab;
  2. Check Enable;
  3. Action - Change I/O state;
  4. State - High
  5. SMS text - Enter your desired SMS text;
  6. Save and apply changes;

Note: Not marked fields can be left as default.


I/O Juggler configuration

The I/O Juggler is a feature that provides the possibility to create automated rules that perform certain actions based on Input state changes and other conditions. You can learn more about it here.

Actions tab

Log into Router 2 WebUI and go to the Services → Input/Output → I/O Juggler page; Then navigate to Actions and create a new instance.

IO juggler action sms.png
  1. Enter the desired action instance name;
  2. Select desired type;
  3. Click add;

This will open a new configuration page:

IO juggler SMS config new.png
  1. Type - SMS;
  2. Text message - enter your Router 2 password and the SMS rule that you have created;
  3. Recipient's phone number - enter Router 2 SIM cards number;
  4. Save and apply changes

Note: Not marked fields can be left as default.

General tab

IO juggler general config.png
  1. Open General tab (1) and enable it (2);
  2. Add new instance role (3);
  3. Click Add (4);

After that, you will be prompted to edit an instance:

  1. Check Enable;
  2. Trigger - Raising;
  3. Add actions - Select the action you have created;
IO Juggler general input config.png

Via Public IP

For this configuration you will need a Static or Dynamic Public IP address. You can read up more on this in our article on Private and Public IP Addresses.


Remote access

Navigate to System → Administration → Access Control:

Access control rutos.png
  1. Open General tab (1) and locate the WebUI section;
  2. Enable remote HTTP (2) and HTTPS access (3);
  3. Save and apply changes (4);

Note: Not marked fields can be left as default.

SMS Gateway configuration

Go to the Services → Mobile Utilities → SMS Gateway page;

SMS post get.png
  1. Open Post/Get tab (1);
  2. Check enable (2);
  3. Enter desired username (3);
  4. Password (4);
  5. Confirm password (5);
  6. Save and apply changes (6);


Navigate to Services → Input/Output → I/O Juggler and create an Action instance.

IO juggler script conf.png
  1. Type - Script;
  2. Specify path - you can choose between specifying the script path or uploading a script file directly;
  3. Script file - depending on what you have chosen in the field above, you will be asked to enter a script directory or upload a script file;
  4. Save and apply changes

Script example can be seen below:


curl -X GET ""

exit 0