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Main Page > EOL Products > RUT955 > RUT955 Certification & Approvals > RUT955 SDPPI (POSTEL)

SDPPI (Direktur Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika) is Indonesian Directorate General of Resources and Equipment for Post and Information Technology.

SDPPI logo


Under National Telecommunication Act No. 36 year 1999, certificate of approval is required for ITE and Telecommunication equipment to be sold or imported into Indonesian market. The certificate of approval is issued by SDPPI.


Certification Number: 65396/SDPPI/2019

PLG ID (Customer ID number): 9361


RUT955 SDPPI certificate

You can find the PDF version of the certificate here

RUT955 0*****1

Certification Number: 84943/SDPPI/2022

PLG ID (Customer ID number): 14246


RUT955 0*****1 SDPPI certificate

You can find the PDF version of the certificate here

1 – the “*” in product code represents any alphanumerical character


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