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* 1 - when we want the message to arrive at least once but don't care if it arrives twice (or more),
* 1 - when we want the message to arrive at least once but don't care if it arrives twice (or more),
* 2 - when we want the message to arrive exactly once. A higher QoS value means a slower transfer.</td>
* 2 - when we want the message to arrive exactly once. A higher QoS value means a slower transfer.</td>
      <td>Enable secure connection</td>
      <td>off {{!}} <span style="color:red">on</span>; default: '''off'''</td>
      <td>Enables the use of TLS certificates.</td>
      <td><span style="color:red">On:</span> TLS type</td>
      <td>Certificate based {{!}} Pre-shared key based; default: '''Certificate based'''</td>
      <td>Select type of TLS.</td>
      <td><span>Certificate based:</span> CA File</td>
      <td>.ca file; default: <b>none</b></td>
      <td>'''Certificate authority''' is an entity that issues digital certificates. A digital certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate.</td>
    <td><span>Certificate based:</span> Client Certificate</td>
        <td>.crt file; default: <b>none</b></td>
        <td>Certificate file is a type of digital certificate that is used by client systems to make authenticated requests to a remote server. If client certificate is not needed, leave both client certificate and client key fields empty.</td>
    <td><span>Certificate based:</span> Private Key</td>
        <td>.key file; default: <b>none</b></td>
        <td>File containing private key for this client. This file needs to be not encrypted.</td>
      <td><span>Pre-shared key based:</span> Pre-Shared-Key</td>
      <td>string; default: <b>none</b></td>
      <td>The pre-shared-key in hex format with no leading "0x".</td>
      <td><span>Pre-shared key based:</span> Identity</td>
      <td>string; default: <b>none</b></td>
      <td>The identity of this client. May be used as the username depending on the server settings.</td>
      <td>Require password</td>
      <td>off {{!}} <span style="color:darkgreen">on</span>; default: '''off'''</td>
      <td>Enables use of username and password for authentication.</td>
      <td><span style="color:darkgreen">On:</span> Username</td>
      <td>string; default: <b>none</b></td>
      <td>Username used in authentication.</td>
      <td><span style="color:darkgreen">On:</span> Password</td>
      <td>string; default: <b>none</b></td>
      <td>Password used in authentication.</td>