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{{Template: Networking_rutos_manual_overview_rut2_rut9
The Overview window displays various information summaries.
| name  = RUT230
| series = RUT2
| legacy = 1
[[Image:Status overview rut230.PNG]]
| mobile = 1
| modem = 1
The '''Mobile''' widget displays information about the mobile connection. Most of the information displayed in this widget is self explanatory except for the '''Signal Strength''' bars, therefore, a table of bar to signal strength equivalents will be provided below:
| wifi = 1
| dualsim = 0
{{signal strength bars table}}
The same principle applies to '''[[RUT230_Connection_status_LEDs|Signal strength LEDs]]''' on your router. You can find more information on recommended signal strength values '''[[Mobile Signal Strength Recommendations|here]]'''
You can select which widgets are to be displayed in the '''Overview''' window in '''[[RUT230_Administration#Overview|System->Administration->Overview]]'''