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To speed up the process by initiating an immediate connection attempt, click the 'Connect' button.
To speed up the process by initiating an immediate connection attempt, click the 'Connect' button.
==Root CA==
The <b>Root CA</b> section is used to add a root CA certificate file to the router. There is a default file already preloaded on the device which will be overwritten by any uploaded file. The certificates must be in .pem format, maximum file size is 300 KB. These certificates are only needed if you want to use HTTPS for your services and the default file should be sufficient in most cases.
The <b>Root CA</b> section is used to add a root CA certificate file to the router. There is a default file already preloaded on the device which will be overwritten by any uploaded file. The certificates must be in .pem format, maximum file size is 300 KB. These certificates are only needed if you want to use HTTPS for your services and the default file should be sufficient in most cases.
==Azure IoThub==
<b>Azure IoT Hub</b> is an open and flexible cloud platform that supports open-source SDKs and multiple protocols.
<table class="nd-mantable">
      <td>Enable Azure IoThub monitoring</td>
      <td>yes | no; default: <b>no</b></td>
      <td>Turns Azure IoT Hub on or off.</td>
      <td>Connection string</td>
      <td>string; default: <b>none</b></td>
      <td>A unique passphrase used to authenticate to router on Azure IoT Hub cloud (should be provided by Azure).</td>
      <td>Message sending interval (sec.)</td>
      <td>integer [10..99999]; default: <b>300</b></td>
      <td>The frequency at which information will be sent to Azure.</td>
Below the operating settings is a list of router parameters that will be sent to the Azure IoT Hub when selected. Select the parameters relevan to you and click the 'Save' button.
[[Category:{{{name}}} WebUI]]