
Created page with "__TOC__ ==Summary== Device monitoring is an essential page to manage your device monitoring status. You can disable/enable single device monitoring by using a slider on the r..."

Device monitoring is an essential page to manage your device monitoring status. You can disable/enable single device monitoring by using a slider on the right side of the table. Or disable/enable multiple device monitoring at the same time using top control menu options.

On this page, you will get a monitoring status for your devices. Information is provided in credits remaining, credit coverage and in columns credit type and credit expiration date respectively.


If you have a new device with a free credit, toggling monitoring off/on will not affect the credit status.

Temporary disabling device monitoring will not free up your monthly credit. The credit will be bound to a particular device for the rest of the month. When monitoring gets re-enabled, the device will continue using the same credit for the rest of the month. If the device stays disabled (not monitored), on the following month no more credits will get consumed.

* One RMS credit - gives a '''month''' of monitoring for '''one device'''.


This page offers various options on how to can disable and enable device monitoring. The best approach depends on the number of devices you want to manage.

# Monitoring column sliders - for a couple of devices you can click on the slider to disable/enable.
# Top control menu - if you have ten or more devices, just mark the top checkbox to select all devices. Then proceed to the top control menu and click on '''Monitoring / (Turn On / Turn Off)'''.


Device filtering - when there are hundreds of devices in your list and you want to disable specific ones. For example for a specific model, company, tag. Go to right customization panel and filter the specific devices you want to disable/enable.



'''Credits remaining''' - remaining credits that belong to your company. Credits get used at the beginning of every month for each device that was active the previous month. Brand new devices come with a free trial credit that is valid for one month. After it ends a credit will automatically get assigned from your credit pool.

'''Monitored devices''' - devices that have credits assigned. Unmonitored devices will not connect to RMS until credits get assigned to them.

'''Credit coverage''' - date until the last of your credits expire. Below you can find an example of how calculations are made.


[[Category:RMS - Services tab]]