TSW202 Morocco ANRT

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TSW202 Certification & Approvals > TSW202 Morocco ANRT

The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) is the public body responsible for the control and regulation of the telecommunications sector. The Agency was established by the Head of Government and is endowed with a legal personality and financial autonomy.

ANRT logo


ANRT was created in February 1998 under Law n° 24-96 on postal and telecommunications services which dictated the general outlines of the sector’s reorganization. The Agency is responsible for:

  • Legal missions
  • Economic missions
  • Technical missions

Exempted equipment number

TSW202 exempted equipment number: DISP00070441ANRT2023


Exemption from Approval of Telecommunications Equipment

To download a PDF version of the exemption from approval, click here.

External links


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