How to reach a router's command line interface (CLI) from RMS?

Main Page > IoT Platforms > RMS > RMS FAQ > How to reach a router's command line interface (CLI) from RMS?
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RMS provides the possibility to connect to a router's command line interface (CLI) from any remote location. The only prerequisites being that the router must be registered to RMS and have an active Internet connection.

  • To reach the CLI of any router, login to RMS and check the Device table. On the far right of the table you will see the "Action" column which contains a few icons next to each device. Click the "Command line" icon next to the device whose CLI you would like to reach:

How to reach cli from rms part 1 v1.png

  • Wait for a few seconds for the connection to be established and the "Open CLI" button once it appear under the "Event" field:

How to reach cli from rms part 2 v1.png

  • Type in the login name root, press "Enter", type in the router's admin password and press "Enter" again. You should be greeted with a message such as this:

How to reach cli from rms part 3 v1.png