Wireless Mesh configuration example

From Teltonika Networks Wiki



The configuration of wireless mesh with Teltonika devices is relatively simple and involves only a few steps repeated for multiple devices. The device count depends on the use case, however, the configuration provided can be easily scaled for many devices. For the following example, three RUTX11 routers will be used:

  1. One router will needs to have an internet access. It will act as a mesh gateway and DHCP server.
  2. Other routers will operate as mesh nodes.


Mesh gateway

This router must have access to the internet. The following settings should be enabled by default.

  1. Access router‘s WebUI. Navigate to Network -> Interfaces.
  2. Press the pencil icon on the right of the LAN interface.
  3. If necessary, select Protocol in the General settings tab as Static.
  4. Enter IPv4 address, as well as subnet mask.
  5. Enable DHCP. Based on your requirements, edit DHCP limit and lease time or leave the rest of the settings as set by default.

Mesh nodes

In order to avoid conflicts, each node router needs to be leased their LAN IP by mesh gateway. To do so: Access router‘s WebUI.

  1. Access router‘s WebUI. Navigate to Network -> Interfaces -> LAN.
  2. Press pencil icon on the right of the LAN interface.
  3. Change Protocol to DHCP.

Common settings

The following settings need to be applied to all of the routers in the wireless mesh network including mesh gateway and nodes.