Template:Networking rut manual port mirroring legacy

Template:Networking rutos manual fw disclosure

Note: this user manual page is for {{{name}}}'s old WebUI style available in earlier FW versions.


Port Mirroring (may also be referred to as SPAN (Switched Port Analyzer)) is a service that relays a copy of all network packets (incoming or outgoing) on one Ethernet port (Source Port) to another (Monitoring Port).

This page of the user manual provides an overview of the Port Mirroring service in {{{name}}} devices.

Port Mirroring

To configure Port Mirroring, first select a 'Monitoring Port' in the Switch section (1) (possible values correspond with the number of LAN Ethernet ports on your device). Once you do, the Source Ports section will become available for configuration, where you will be able to select the mirrored ports. You can choose to mirror received (incoming) packets (2), transferred (outgoing) packets (3) or both.

Networking rut manual port mirroring.png

(Port numbering is identical to Ethernet port numbering on your device.)

[[Category:{{{name}}} Services section (legacy)]]