Template:Networking rutos manual events reporting

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Template:Networking rutos manual fw disclosure


The Events Reporting section gives you the ability to configure rules that will inform you via SMS or email when certain events occur on your device. These events can be almost anything – configuration changes, reboots, new connections, various status updates, etc. This page is an overview of the Events Reporting section for {{{name}}} devices.

Events Reporting Rules

Events Reporting Rules window display rules that you set up for such events as logins, reboots, resets, connections, configuration changes and more, that you want to be informed about, through SMS messages or emails. Click the Add button, it will redirect to [[{{{name}}} Events Reporting#Events Reporting Configuration|Events Reporting Configuration]] window for new rule, and click on Edit button Networking rutx manual edit button v1.png to modify already existing rule.

File:Networking rutx manual events reporting rules v3.png

Events Reporting Configuration

Events Reporting Configuration is used to customize Events Reporting rules. Here you can specify any event and type, you want to be informed about by your chosen message type.

Networking rutx09 manual events reporting configuration v1.png Note: device values below Message text on Event field may be different on your device, this is an example of configuration window in RutOS devices.

field name value description
Enable off | on; default: on Toggles the rule ON or OFF.
Event Config change | New DHCP client | Mobile data | SMS | Signal Strength | Reboot | SSH | WebUI | Ports state | Topology changes ; default: Config change The event that you wish to receive information about.
Event type Varies Specified event's type. This field changes in accordance with Event.
Action Send SMS | Send email; default: Send SMS Action that is to be taken after the specified event occurs.
Message text on Event string; default: Router name - %rn; Event type - %et; Event text - %ex; Time stamp - %ts; Specifies the text that the message will contain.
Send SMS: Recipients Single number | Group; default: Single number Specifies the intended recipient, or user group. A guide on how to create a User group can be found in the SMS Utilities chapter, User Groups section.
Send SMS: Recipient's phone number phone number; default: none The intended recipient's phone number. The phone number must be entered in the international format, but without dash symbols or spaces, e.g., +37061234567
Send email: Subject string; default: none Subject of an email. Allowed characters (a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%&*+-/=?^_`{|}~. )
Send email: Email user Previously created Email user Choose non empty email configuration from email groups. Emails can be configured in Users & Recipients section.
Send email: Recipient's email address Email address; default: none The intended recipient's email address. Allowed characters (a-zA-Z0-9._%+@-)
Send email: Send test email -(interactive button) Sends test email to chosen recipient.

Event Types and Sub-types

The example provided above is concerning the Config change Event and All Event types. This section is an overview of all other Event type and sub-types.

Config change

event sub-type description
All Sends a report message when any type of configuration changes are applied
OpenVPN Sends a report message when any [[{{{name}}} VPN#OpenVPN|OpenVPN]] configuration changes are applied. For example, whenever a new OpenVPN instance is created, an OpenVPN instance gets disabled/enabled, an OpenVPN instance's protocol is changed from UDP to TCP or vice versa, etc.
SMS Sends a report message when any SMS related configuration changes are applied. For example, whenever a new [[{{{name}}}_Mobile_Utilities#SMS_Utilities|SMS Utilities]] rule is created or changed, changes are made to [[{{{name}}}_Mobile_Utilities#SMS_Gateway#Auto_Reply|Auto Reply]], etc.
Multiwan Sends a report message when changes to WAN [[{{{name}}} WAN#Backup_Configuration|Backup]] configuration are applied. For example, whenever a switch from using Wired as main WAN to backup WAN occurs, Wireless is added as a Backup WAN, Health monitor configurations are changed, etc.
Mobile Sends a report message when any [[{{{name}}} Mobile]] configuration changes are applied. For example, whenever Service mode, APN, Connection type is changed, etc.
Data limit Sends a report message when any [[{{{name}}} Mobile#Mobile_Data_Limit|Mobile Data Limit]] configuration changes are applied. For example, whenever new data limit is configured, data limit gets disabled/enabled on SIM1/SIM2, data limit period is changed, etc.
Events reporting Sends a report message when any configuration changes to Events Reporting are applied. For example, whenever a new Events Reporting Rule is created, changed, deleted, etc.
Periodic reboot Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} Auto_Reboot#Periodic_Reboot|Periodic Reboot]] are applied. For example, whenever Periodic Reboot gets enabled/disabled, Periodic Reboot interval is changed, etc.
SNMP Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} SNMP]] are applied. For example, whenever SNMP service is enabled/disabled, SNMP remote access is enabled/disabled, SNMP port is changed, etc.
Ping reboot Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} Auto_Reboot#Ping_Reboot|Ping Reboot]] are applied. For example, whenever Ping Reboot gets enabled/disabled, host to ping has changed, etc.
Input/Output Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} Input/Output|Input/Output]] are applied. For example, whenever scheduler is changed, etc.
Profiles Sends a report message when a new [[{{{name}}} Profiles|Profile]] is added or deleted.
DDNS Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} Dynamic DNS|Dynamic DNS]] are applied. For example, whenever a new DDNS instance is created, changed, deleted or edited.
IPsec Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} VPN#IPsec|IPsec]] are applied. For example, a new IPsec instance is created, changed, deleted, etc.
DHCP Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} LAN|DHCP]] are applied. For example, whenever DHCP Server is enabled/disabled, DHCP address range is changed.
SSH Sends a report message when any configuration changes to SSH are applied.
Network Sends a report message when any Network related configuration changes are applied. For example, whenever Main WAN is changed, LAN IP address is changed, a Wi-Fi Access Point is enabled/disabled, etc.
Firewall Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} Firewall]] are applied. For example, a new Traffic rule is added, a new SNAT rule is added, a rule is disabled/enabled, etc.
NTP Sends a report message when any configuration changes to [[{{{name}}} NTP]] are applied. For example, whenever NTP is enabled/disabled, Time zone is changed, etc.
New DHCP client

event sub-type description
All Sends a report message when a new devices is connected to the device either via LAN or Wi-Fi.
Connected from LAN Sends a report message when a new device is connected to the device via LAN port.
Mobile Data

event sub-type description
All Sends a report message when mobile data connection is achieved or lost.
Connected Sends a report message when mobile data connection is achieved.
Disconnected Sends a report message when mobile data connection is lost.

event sub-type description
SMS received Sends a report message when the device receives a new SMS message.
Signal Strength

event sub-type description
All Sends a report message when the device RSSI value leaves any one of the below specified ranges.
-121 dBm -113 dBm Sends a report message when the device RSSI value leaves the -121 dBm to -113 dBm range.
-113 dBm -98 dBm Sends a report message when the device RSSI value leaves the -113 dBm to -98 dBm range.
-98 dBm -93 dBm Sends a report message when the device RSSI value leaves the -98 dBm to -93 dBm range.
-93 dBm -75 dBm Sends a report message when the device RSSI value leaves the -93 dBm to -75 dBm range.
-75 dBm -60 dBm Sends a report message when the device RSSI value leaves the -75 dBm to -60 dBm range.
-60 dBm -50 dBm Sends a report message when the device RSSI value leaves the -60 dBm to -50 dBm range.

event sub-type description
All Sends a report message when the device starts up after any type of reboot (except factory reset).
From Web UI Sends a report message when the device starts up after a reboot command is initiated from the device WebUI Administration->Reboot section.
From input/output Sends a report message when the device starts up after a reboot command is initiated via Input/Output.
From ping reboot Sends a report message when the device starts up after a reboot command is initiated by the Ping Reboot function.
From periodic reboot Sends a report message when the device starts up after a reboot command is initiated by the Periodic Reboot function.
From button Sends a report message when the device starts up after being restarted by the press of the physical button located on the device.

event sub-type description
All Sends a report message when someone connects to the device via SSH (either successfully or unsuccessfully).
Successful authentication Sends a report message when someone successfully connects to the device via SSH.
Unsuccessful authentication Sends a report message when someone unsuccessfully tries to connect to the device via SSH.

event sub-type description
All Sends a report message when someone connects to the device via HTTP or HTTPS (either successfully or unsuccessfully).
Successful authentication Sends a report message when someone successfully connects to the device via HTTP or HTTPS.
Unsuccessful authentication Sends a report message when someone unsuccessfully tries to connect to the device via HTTP or HTTPS.
Ports State

event sub-type description
All Sends a report message when a device is either plugged in or unplugged from one of the device LAN ports.
Link state Sends a report message when a device is plugged or unplugged from one of the device Ethernet ports.
Link speed Sends a report message when Port Link speed is decided.
Topology state

event sub-type description
Topology changes Sends a report message when there are changes in network topology.

[[Category:{{{name}}} Services section]]