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{{Template:Networking_rutxxx_manual_fw_disclosure | fw_version= {{{fw_version}}} }}
'''JSON-RPC''' is a remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON. It is a very simple protocol (and very similar to XML-RPC), defining only a few data types and commands. JSON-RPC allows for notifications (data sent to the server that does not require a response) and for multiple calls to be sent to the server which may be answered out of order.
This article provides a guide on how to use JSON-RPC on RUTxxx routers.
==Configuration overview and prerequisites==
Before we begin, let's overview the configuration that we are attempting to achieve and the prerequisites that make it possible.<br>
* A PC for with a HTTP request software.
* An Internet connection. (''This example is based in a local configuration, but also can be used via wired WAN or a remote installation with Public IP'')
* One RUTxxx series router.<br>
'''Configuration scheme:'''
[[File:JSON SCHEM.jpg|border|class=tlt-border|1100px]]
==Enabling JSON-RPC==
Before anything else, you'll need to make sure JSON-RPC is enabled on your router. JSON-RPC is enabled by default, so if you haven't made any changes to the router's access settings, everything should be in order. Otherwise you can check JSON-RPC status by logging into your router's WebUI and navigating to '''System → Administration → Access Control'''. Look for the ''WebUI'' section; there will be an '''Enable JSON RPC''' field. Make sure it is checked:
[[File:JSON RPC - 001.jpg|border|class=tlt-border|1100px]]
==Using JSON-RPC (Windows)==
This section describes how to use JSON-RPC with a Windows operating system. If you're using a Linux OS, jump to this section of the guide: '''[[Monitoring_via_JSON-RPC#Using_JSON-RPC_with_Linux_OS|JSON-RPC with Linux]]'''
To login to the router via JSON-RPC you will need software capable of sending '''HTTP POST''' requests to the router. The simplest solution is to install an extension similar to Chrome "'''Postman'''" (download link '''[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/postman/fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop here]''').<br>
If you're using Firefox you can use '''"RESTClient"''' (download link '''[https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/addon/restclient/ here]''').Once you've installed the add-on, Click it to launch it:
===Obtaining a session ID===
First, you must obtain a '''Session ID'''. In order to do so, you must send a HTTP POST request to the router asking for it.
<li>Enter the router's IP address into the URL field '''''' (''use LAN IP for local access, WAN IP for remote access'').</li>
<li>Change the orange code fields with router's username and password        (''Or change it into the '''Postman User Auth.''' field.'')</li>
<li>Then paste the following command into the '''Body or Content to send''' field:</li>
    "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params":
        "00000000000000000000000000000000", "session", "login",
            "username":"<span style="color:orange">'''root'''</span>", "password":"<span style="color:orange">'''admin01'''</span>"
''The section highlighted in orange is the router's admin password which by default is admin01. Replace this part with your own router's password.''<br>
<li>Once you have everything in order, click '''Send''':</li>
Here's how the response should look like (The Session ID is shown in the sixth red rectangle):
<li>Copy the Session ID since you'll be needing it when issuing other commands to the router.</li>
'''NOTE:''' if later on your commands stop working and you get a Response like this: <br>
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "error": {
        "code": -32002,
        "message": <span style="color:red">'''"Access denied"'''</span>
It probably means that your Session ID has expired so you'll need to ask for a new one. '''A Session ID expires after 300 seconds (5 minutes).'''
===Getting router parameters===
Now that you have obtained a Session ID, you can issue commands to the router. Lets start with commands that return information about the router.
====Getting '''[[RSSI]]'''====
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
        "<span style=color:red>'''bde01a2da4a6f4a515bb9466f90bc58a'''</span>", "file", "exec",
            "command":"<span style="color:orange">'''gsmctl'''</span>",
                "<span style="color:orange">'''-q'''</span>"
The test highlighted in red is your Session ID, and highlighted in orange are the command and the parameter. In this example we're using a '''gsmctl -q''' command that returns the router's RSSI (signal strength) value.
[[File:JSON 007.jpg|border|class=tlt-border]]
Look for '''stdout''' in the post response: <span style="color:green">'''"stdout":"-73\n'''</span>". This tells us that the router's current signal strength is <span style="color:green">'''-73 dBm'''</span>.
====Getting Network Config====
You can issue many SSH commands in a similar manner. For example, if you wish to check the ''network'' the command to do so would be:
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
        "a74c8e07646f0da2bfddce35bf3de1f3", "file", "exec",
            "command":"<span style="color:orange">'''cat'''</span>",
                "<span style="color:orange">'''/etc/config/network'''</span>"
Again the command and the parameter are highlighted in orange. In this case the '''cat''' command is used to view the contents of the  '''/etc/config/network''' file. The Response is:
[[File:JSON 008.jpg|border|class=tlt-border]]
===Setting router parameters===
To set parameters, is necessary to use three commands, they are '''set''', '''commit''' and '''luci-reload'''
<li> The First one is used to set router parameters</li>
<li> The second one is used to commit the changes from RAM to flash memory </li>
<li> The third one is used to the changes take effect</li>
We'll not go into detail on UCI commands in this article, but you can check out our '''[[UCI command usage]]''' guide for detailed examples.
====UCI SET====
The '''uci set''' command is used to set router parameters. <br>
As an example, lets try to change the router's WiFi SSID. The command to do so looks like this:
    "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params":
        "9704f676709d9dedc98d7718c4e3e7d2", "uci", "set",
            "config":"<span style=color:orange>'''wireless'''</span>",
            "type":"<span style=color:orange>'''wifi-iface'''</span>",
                "ssid": "<span style=color:red>'''Teltonika_Router'''</span>"
                "ssid":"<span style=color:green>'''9999'''</span>"
<li>The sections highlighted in orange describes the config file's name and section.  '''''(In this case, <span style=color:orange>wireless</span> config and <span style=color:orange>wifi-iface</span> section).'''''</li>
<li>Highlighted in red is the option of the config section that you wish to change.  '''''(In this case, the router's <span style=color:red>SSID</span>.)'''''</li>
<li>Finally, highlighted in green is the value that will replace the old value.  '''''(In this case, it change the router's SSID to <span style=color:green>9999</span>.)'''''</li>
<li>Note: You should be sure that all the fields are correctly written</li><br>
If the issued command was a success, you should see a Response like this:<br>
[[File:JSON 009.jpg|border|class=tlt-border]]
====UCI COMMIT====
When you apply changes using ''uci set'', you're only changing a copy of the file that is located in the router's RAM memory. In order for the changes to take place you'll need to issue a '''uci commit''' command that will commit the changes from RAM to flash memory. Continuing from the example above, lets commit the Wireless SSID changes. The JSON-RPC command to do so looks like this:
    "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params":
        "9704f676709d9dedc98d7718c4e3e7d2", "uci", "commit",
            "config":"<span style=color:orange>wireless</span>"
<li>When committing changes, you will need to specify the name of the file where the changes took place '''''(In this case, <span style=color:orange>wireless</span> config, which is highlighted in orange).</li><br>
If the commit was successful, you should see the same message as before:
[[File:JSON 010.jpg|border|class=tlt-border]]
The last step to take in order for the changes to take effect is the '''luci-reload''' command which restarts all of the router's services. The ''luci-reload'' command looks like this:
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
        "428a9fa57f1a391db0bd1b865fa16bb5", "file", "exec",
            "command": "<span style=color:orange>luci-reload</span>"
The command itself is highlighted in orange.<br>
[[File:JSON 011.jpg|border|class=tlt-border]]<br>
====Setting Multiple Parameters====
This next example describes how to set multiple parameters in a single config file, in this case, changes the default DHCP server values with custom ones:
    "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params":
        "558a9b03c940e52f373f8c02498952e3", "uci", "set",
            "config":"dhcp", "type":"dhcp", "match":
                "start":"<span style=color:orange>100</span>",
                "limit":"<span style=color:orange>150</span>",
                "leasetime":"<span style=color:orange>12h</span>"
                "start":"<span style=color:green>75</span>",
                "limit":"<span style=color:green>100</span>",
                "leasetime":"<span style=color:green>6h</span>"
The command above will change the router's DHCP Server's current Start address, Address limit and Lease time values '''''(highlighted in orange)''''' to custom values provided in the '''"values"''' section of the command '''''(highlighted in green)'''''.
[[File:JSON 012.jpg|border|class=tlt-border|520px]]
[[File:JSON 014.jpg|border|class=tlt-border|520px]]<br>
'''Note: Remember always to use the commands in the order (set, commit, luci-reload)'''
==Using JSON-RPC with Linux OS==
This section describes how to use JSON-RPC commands with a Linux OS system. To find the guide for Windows users, jump to this section: '''[[Monitoring_via_JSON-RPC#Using_JSON-RPC_with_Windows_OS|JSON-RPC on Widnows]]'''
===Obtaining a session ID===
To log in to the router via JSON-RPC you must first obtain a Session ID. To do so, you must send an '''HTTP POST''' request to the router. Open the Linux '''Terminal''' app and execute this command:
curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"00000000000000000000000000000000\", \"session\", \"login\", { \"username\": \"root\", \"password\": \"<span style=color:orange>admin01</span>\"  } ] }" http://<span style=color:green></span>/ubus 
The section highlighted in orange is the router's admin password. admin01 is the default value, replace it with your router's password. The address highlighted in green is the router's IP address. Replace this value with your router's IP. If you're trying to reach the router from '''[[LAN]]''', use the local IP address (default:, if you're trying to reach the router from '''[[WAN]]''', use the router's WAN IP address.
[[Image:Configuration examples json-rpc terminal get id.png]]
The picture above depicts the process of obtaining a Session ID. The ID itself is encapsulated in a blue rectangle. Copy this ID as you will need it to authenticate yourself when using other commands.
===Getting router parameters===
Now that you have obtained a Session ID, you can issue commands to the router. Lets start with commands that return information about the router. For example, this is a command that returns the router's '''[[RSSI]]'''(signal strength) value:
curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [\"<span style=color:red>a74c8e07646f0da2bfddce35bf3de1f3</span>\", \"file\", \"exec\", { \"command\":\"<span style=color:orange>gsmctl</span>\", \"params\": [\"<span style=color:green>-q</span>\"] } ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
Highlighted in red is the Session ID. Replace it with the Session ID that was provided to you. Highlighted in orange is the command that we used for our query and highlighted in green is the parameter for the command: '''gsmctl -q'''.
The picture bellow is a visual representation of this example. Encapsulated in a blue rectangle is the answer to the ''gsmctl -q'' query: '''-73 dBm'''.
[[Image:Configuration examples json-rpc terminal gsmctl.png]]
You can issue almost any Linux command in a similar manner. For example, if you wish to get a list of file names contained in the config folder, the Linux command to do so would be '''ls /etc/config''', which, translated to JSON-RPC, would be:
curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [\"a74c8e07646f0da2bfddce35bf3de1f3\", \"file\", \"exec\", {\"command\":\"<span style=color:orange>ls</span>\", \"params\": [\"<span style=color:orange>/etc/config</span>\"] } ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
[[Image:Configuration examples json-rpc terminal ls.png]]
The command is encapsulated in an orange rectangle and the answer - in a blue one.
===Setting router parameters===
This section will describe how to use '''uci set''' commands in order to set or change various router parameters via JSON-RPC. For more general information about the usage and syntax of UCI commands, check out our '''[[UCI command usage]]''' guide.
====uci set====
The ''uci set'' command is used to set router parameters. As an example, lets try to change the router's '''LAN IP address'''. The command to do so looks like this:
curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"590bde71578da2fabfe77ba86c00e4e5\", \"uci\", \"set\", { \"config\":\"<span style=color:orange>network</span>\", \"type\":\"<span style=color:orange>interface</span>\", \"match\": {\"ipaddr\":\"<span style=color:red></span>\"}, \"values\": {\"ipaddr\":\"<span style=color:green></span>\"} } ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
The sections highlighted in orange describe the config file's name and section (in this case, network config and interface section). Highlighted in red is the option in the config file that you wish to change (in this case, the router's LAN IP address, '''ipaddr'''). Finally, highlighted in green is the value that will to replace the old value (in this case, change the router's LAN IP address to If the command was issued successfully, you should see a Response like this:
[[Image:Configuration examples json-rpc terminal uci set.png]]
====uci commit====
In order to commit the changes from RAM to flash memory, you must execute a '''uci commit''' command. Continuing from the example above, lets commit the changes made to the ''network'' config. The command to do so looks like this:
curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"9704f676709d9dedc98d7718c4e3e7d2\", \"uci\", \"commit\", {\"config\":\"<span style=color=orange>network</span>\"} ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
When committing changes, you will need to specify the name of the file where the changes took place (in this case, network, which is highlighted in orange). If the commit was successful, you should see the same message as before:
In order for the changes to take effect, use the '''luci-reload''' command which restarts all of the router's services. The luci-reload command looks like this:
curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"428a9fa57f1a391db0bd1b865fa16bb5\", \"file\", \"exec\", {\"command\": \"<span style=color:orange>luci-reload</span>\"} ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
The command itself is highlighted in orange.
====Setting Multiple Parameters====
This next example describes how to set multiple parameters in a single config file with one command. Lets change the default configuration of the Ping Reboot function (ping_reboot config file):
curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"558a9b03c940e52f373f8c02498952e3\", \"uci\", \"set\", {\"config\":\"ping_reboot\", \"match\":{\"enable\":\"<span style=color:orange>0</span>\", \"host\":\"<span style=color:orange></span>\", \"packet_size\":\<span style=color:orange>"56</span>\"}, \"values\":{\"enable\":\"<span style=color:green>1</span>\", \"host\":\"<span style=color:green></span>\", \"packet_size\":\"<span style=color:green>64</span>\"} } ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
The command above will '''enable''' the Ping Reboot function, set the host to ping to '''''' and ping packet size to '''64'''. The default values are highlighted in orange and the new ones are highlighted in green.
==Some Additional Commands==
If the commands found in the guide above did not suffice your needs, this section provides a list of additional ones. The commands presented in this section will be for both Linux and Windows operating systems. They should be used as syntax examples for your own purposes.
===WiFi clients list===
This command returns a list of devices connected to your WLAN and some additional information about the connection.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
        "86fc586fa1471622473434ff0176fd66", "<span style=color:red>iwinfo</span>", "<span style=color:red>assoclist</span>",
curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"86fc586fa1471622473434ff0176fd66\", \"<span style=color:red>iwinfo</span>\", \"<span style=color:red>assoclist</span>\", {\"device\":\"wlan0\"} ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
'''The response''' should look something like this:
[{"mac":"<span style=color:green>E4:02:9B:88:09:AA</span>","signal":<span style=color:blue>-32</span>,"noise":<span style=color:blue>-88</span>,"inactive":<span style=color:blue>10</span>,"rx":
{"rate":<span style=color:blue>1000</span>,"mcs":<span style=color:blue>0</span>,"40mhz":<span style=color:blue>false</span>,"short_gi":<span style=color:blue>false</span>},"tx":
{"rate":<span style=color:blue>72200</span>,"mcs":<span style=color:blue>7</span>,"40mhz":<span style=color:blue>false</span>,"short_gi":<span style=color:blue>true</span>}},
{"mac":"<span style=color:green>D8:C7:71:47:90:E1</span>","signal":<span style=color:blue>-12</span>,"noise":<span style=color:blue>-88</span>,"inactive":<span style=color:blue>400</span>,"rx":
{"rate":<span style=color:blue>1000</span>,"mcs":<span style=color:blue>0</span>,"40mhz":<span style=color:blue>false</span>,"short_gi":<span style=color:blue>false</span>},"tx":
{"rate":<span style=color:blue>72200</span>,"mcs":<span style=color:blue>7</span>,"40mhz":<span style=color:blue>false</span>,"short_gi":<span style=color:blue>true</span>}}]}]}
To obtain these values, the Linux '''iwinfo''' command and '''assoclist''' parameter (red) are used. Highlighted in green are the devices connected to the router via WiFi as identified by their MAC addresses. The response information about the connection with the device, such as signal strength, noise, time of inactivity (idle time), rx, tx rate, etc., is highlighted in blue.
===WiFi information===
This command returns information on your WiFi Access Point.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
        "a70ceeba344b6046625d8bcec132796c", "<span style=color:red>iwinfo</span>", "<span style=color:red>info</span>",
curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"a70ceeba344b6046625d8bcec132796c\", \"<span style=color:red>iwinfo</span>\", \"<span style=color:red>info</span>\", {\"device\":\"wlan0\"} ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
{"phy":"<span style=color:blue>phy0</span>","ssid":"<span style=color:blue>HAL9000</span>","bssid":"<span style=color:blue>00:1E:42:16:D6:68</span>","country":"<span style=color:blue>00</span>","mode":"<span style=color:blue>Master</span>","channel":<span style=color:blue>6</span>,"frequency":<span style=color:blue>2437</span>,"txpower":<span style=color:blue>20</span>,
"quality":<span style=color:blue>22</span>,"quality_max":<span style=color:blue>70</span>,"signal":<span style=color:blue>22</span>,"noise":<span style=color:blue>-61</span>,"bitrate":<span style=color:blue>72200</span>,"encryption":
{"enabled":<span style=color:blue>false</span>},"hwmodes":["<span style=color:blue>b</span>","<span style=color:blue>g</span>","<span style=color:blue>n</span>"],"hardware":{"name":"<span style=color:blue>Generic MAC80211</span>"}}]}
As with the clients list command described above, to obtain this information the Linux '''iwinfo''' command is used, but this time with the '''info''' parameter (red). The relevant information, such as WiFi SSID, WiFi MAC address, WiFi channel, Encryption type, etc., is highlighted in blue
===Manufacturing information===
This command returns information about the device's manufacturing details like device's Product Code, Serial Number MAC Address, etc.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
        "805725a19ab0fba6c2b44ecf2f952fb9","file", "exec",
            "command":"<span style=color:red>mnf_info</span>", "params":["<span style=color:red>name</span>", "<span style=color:red>sn</span>", "<span style=color:red>mac</span>"]
curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"805725a19ab0fba6c2b44ecf2f952fb9\",\"file\", \"exec\",{ \"command\":\"<span style=color:red>mnf_info</span>\", \"params\":[\"<span style=color:red>name</span>\", \"<span style=color:red>sn</span>\", \"<span style=color:red>mac</span>\"] } ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":[0,{"code":0,"stdout":"<span style=color:blue>RUT950HG12C0</span>\n<span style=color:blue>1367435694</span>\n<span style=color:blue>001e4216d666</span>\n"}]}
To obtain the manufacturing information the '''mnf_info''' (highlighted in red) command is used. In this case a query was sent asking for the device's Product Code (name), Serial Number (sn) and MAC Address (mac) (highlighted in red in the query; returned values highlighted in blue). Using ''mnf_info'', you can "ask" the router for any type of manufacturing information. Here is the list of possible ''mnf_info'' parameters:
* '''mac''' - returns the router's LAN MAC address
* '''maceth''' - returns the router's WAN MAC address
* '''name''' - returns the router's Product Code
* '''wps''' - returns the router's WPS PIN number
* '''sn''' - returns the router's Serial number
* '''batch''' - returns the router's Batch number
* '''hwver''' - returns the router's Hardware Revision number
* '''simpin''' - returns the router's SIM card's PIN (as it is specified in the '''[[Mobile]]''' section)
* '''blver''' - returns the router's Bootloader version
===Firmware number===
This command returns the device's Firmware version number.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
        "85ea4cb00398d8387b22d8fa6f75f753", "<span style=color:red>file</span>", "<span style=color:red>read</span>",
            "path":"<span style=color:red>/etc/version</span>"
curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"85ea4cb00398d8387b22d8fa6f75f753\",\"<span style=color:red>file</span>\", \"<span style=color:red>read</span>\",{ \"path\":\"<span style=color:red>/etc/version</span>\"} ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":[0,{"data":"<span style=color:blue>RUT9XX_R_00.05.00.5</span>\n"}]}
This command ('''file''', '''read''', highlighted in red) is an alternative to the Linux '''cat''' command we see used in the '''[[Monitoring_via_JSON-RPC#Getting_router_parameters|Getting router paramaters]]''' section of this guide. All you need is to specify the path (in this case '''/etc/version''', highlighted in red) to the file that you wish to read.
            "command":"<span style=color:red>reboot</span>","params":["<span style=color:red>config</span>"]
curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"call\",\"params\":[\"5cd4b143b182c07bc578ae3310d6280e\",\"file\",\"exec\",{\"command\":\"<span style=color:red>reboot</span>\",\"params\":[\"<span style=color:red>config</span>\"]}]}" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
The success response for this command is an empty message. If the response contains no data, the command was executed successfully.
===Set SIM card information===
In this last example we'll try to change the mobile connection's MTU and Service mode values.
    "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params":
        "558a9b03c940e52f373f8c02498952e3", "<span style=color"red>uci</span>", "<span style=color:red>set</span>",
            "config":"<span style=color:orange>simcard</span>", "type":"<span style=color:orange>sim1</span>", "match":
                "service":"<span style=color:orange>auto</span>",
                "mtu":"<span style=color:orange>1500</span>"
                "service":"<span style=color:orange>lte-only</span>",
                "mtu":"<span style=color:orange>1476</span>"
curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"558a9b03c940e52f373f8c02498952e3\", \"<span style=color:red>uci</span>\", \"<span style=color:red>set</span>\", {\"config\":\"<span style=color:orange>simcard</span>\", \"type\":\"<span style=color:orange>sim1</span>\", \"match\":{\"service\":\"<span style=color:orange>auto</span>\", \"mtu\":\"<span style=color:orange>1500</span>\"}, \"values\":{\"service\":\"<span style=color:orange>lte-only</span>\", \"mtu\":\"<span style=color:orange>1476</span>\"} } ] }" http://<span style=color:black></span>/ubus
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":[<span style=color:blue>0</span>]}
The command used is ''uci set'' (highlighted in red). The config file name is '''simcard''', section '''sim1''', options '''mtu''' and '''service''' (configs, sections and options highlighted in orange). The response shown above is a positive response, but don't forget to execute ''uci commit'' and ''luci-reload'' afterwards or else your changes will not take effect. The usage of ''uci commit'' and ''luci-reload'' commands is described '''[[Monitoring_via_JSON-RPC#Setting_router_parameters|here]]''' (for Windows) and '''[[Monitoring_via_JSON-RPC#Setting_router_parameters_2|here]]''' (for Linux).
==External links==
* https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-poster/cdjfedloinmbppobahmonnjigpmlajcd?hl=en - Chrome Poster add-on download link
[[Category:{{{name}}} Configuration Examples]]

Revision as of 22:24, 7 April 2020


The information in this page is updated in accordance with the [[Media:{{{fw_version}}}_WEBUI.bin|{{{fw_version}}}]] firmware version.

JSON-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON. It is a very simple protocol (and very similar to XML-RPC), defining only a few data types and commands. JSON-RPC allows for notifications (data sent to the server that does not require a response) and for multiple calls to be sent to the server which may be answered out of order.

This article provides a guide on how to use JSON-RPC on RUTxxx routers.

Configuration overview and prerequisites

Before we begin, let's overview the configuration that we are attempting to achieve and the prerequisites that make it possible.

  • A PC for with a HTTP request software.
  • An Internet connection. (This example is based in a local configuration, but also can be used via wired WAN or a remote installation with Public IP)
  • One RUTxxx series router.

Configuration scheme: [[File:{{{file_scheme}}}|border|class=tlt-border]] JSON SCHEM.jpg

Enabling JSON-RPC

Before anything else, you'll need to make sure JSON-RPC is enabled on your router. JSON-RPC is enabled by default, so if you haven't made any changes to the router's access settings, everything should be in order. Otherwise you can check JSON-RPC status by logging into your router's WebUI and navigating to System → Administration → Access Control. Look for the WebUI section; there will be an Enable JSON RPC field. Make sure it is checked:

JSON RPC - 001.jpg

Using JSON-RPC (Windows)

This section describes how to use JSON-RPC with a Windows operating system. If you're using a Linux OS, jump to this section of the guide: JSON-RPC with Linux


To login to the router via JSON-RPC you will need software capable of sending HTTP POST requests to the router. The simplest solution is to install an extension similar to Chrome "Postman" (download link here).
If you're using Firefox you can use "RESTClient" (download link here).Once you've installed the add-on, Click it to launch it:

Obtaining a session ID

First, you must obtain a Session ID. In order to do so, you must send a HTTP POST request to the router asking for it.

  • Enter the router's IP address into the URL field (use LAN IP for local access, WAN IP for remote access).
  • Change the orange code fields with router's username and password (Or change it into the Postman User Auth. field.)
  • Then paste the following command into the Body or Content to send field:
    "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params":
        "00000000000000000000000000000000", "session", "login",
            "username":"root", "password":"admin01"

The section highlighted in orange is the router's admin password which by default is admin01. Replace this part with your own router's password.

  • Once you have everything in order, click Send:
  • JSON005.jpg
    Here's how the response should look like (The Session ID is shown in the sixth red rectangle):
  • Copy the Session ID since you'll be needing it when issuing other commands to the router.

NOTE: if later on your commands stop working and you get a Response like this:

   "jsonrpc": "2.0",
   "id": 1,
   "error": {
       "code": -32002,
       "message": "Access denied"

It probably means that your Session ID has expired so you'll need to ask for a new one. A Session ID expires after 300 seconds (5 minutes).

Getting router parameters

Now that you have obtained a Session ID, you can issue commands to the router. Lets start with commands that return information about the router.

Getting RSSI

    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params": 
        "bde01a2da4a6f4a515bb9466f90bc58a", "file", "exec",

The test highlighted in red is your Session ID, and highlighted in orange are the command and the parameter. In this example we're using a gsmctl -q command that returns the router's RSSI (signal strength) value.

JSON 007.jpg

Look for stdout in the post response: "stdout":"-73\n". This tells us that the router's current signal strength is -73 dBm.

Getting Network Config

You can issue many SSH commands in a similar manner. For example, if you wish to check the network the command to do so would be:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params": 
        "a74c8e07646f0da2bfddce35bf3de1f3", "file", "exec",

Again the command and the parameter are highlighted in orange. In this case the cat command is used to view the contents of the /etc/config/network file. The Response is:

JSON 008.jpg

Setting router parameters

To set parameters, is necessary to use three commands, they are set, commit and luci-reload

  • The First one is used to set router parameters
  • The second one is used to commit the changes from RAM to flash memory
  • The third one is used to the changes take effect

We'll not go into detail on UCI commands in this article, but you can check out our UCI command usage guide for detailed examples.


The uci set command is used to set router parameters.
As an example, lets try to change the router's WiFi SSID. The command to do so looks like this:

    "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params":
        "9704f676709d9dedc98d7718c4e3e7d2", "uci", "set",
                "ssid": "Teltonika_Router"
  • The sections highlighted in orange describes the config file's name and section. (In this case, wireless config and wifi-iface section).
  • Highlighted in red is the option of the config section that you wish to change. (In this case, the router's SSID.)
  • Finally, highlighted in green is the value that will replace the old value. (In this case, it change the router's SSID to 9999.)
  • Note: You should be sure that all the fields are correctly written

If the issued command was a success, you should see a Response like this:
JSON 009.jpg


When you apply changes using uci set, you're only changing a copy of the file that is located in the router's RAM memory. In order for the changes to take place you'll need to issue a uci commit command that will commit the changes from RAM to flash memory. Continuing from the example above, lets commit the Wireless SSID changes. The JSON-RPC command to do so looks like this:

    "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params":
        "9704f676709d9dedc98d7718c4e3e7d2", "uci", "commit", 

  • When committing changes, you will need to specify the name of the file where the changes took place (In this case, wireless config, which is highlighted in orange).

  • If the commit was successful, you should see the same message as before: JSON 010.jpg


    The last step to take in order for the changes to take effect is the luci-reload command which restarts all of the router's services. The luci-reload command looks like this:

        "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
            "428a9fa57f1a391db0bd1b865fa16bb5", "file", "exec", 
                "command": "luci-reload"

    The command itself is highlighted in orange.
    JSON 011.jpg

    Setting Multiple Parameters

    This next example describes how to set multiple parameters in a single config file, in this case, changes the default DHCP server values with custom ones:

        "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params": 
            "558a9b03c940e52f373f8c02498952e3", "uci", "set",
                "config":"dhcp", "type":"dhcp", "match":

    The command above will change the router's DHCP Server's current Start address, Address limit and Lease time values (highlighted in orange) to custom values provided in the "values" section of the command (highlighted in green).

    JSON 012.jpg JSON 014.jpg

    Note: Remember always to use the commands in the order (set, commit, luci-reload)

    Using JSON-RPC with Linux OS

    This section describes how to use JSON-RPC commands with a Linux OS system. To find the guide for Windows users, jump to this section: JSON-RPC on Widnows

    Obtaining a session ID

    To log in to the router via JSON-RPC you must first obtain a Session ID. To do so, you must send an HTTP POST request to the router. Open the Linux Terminal app and execute this command:

    curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"00000000000000000000000000000000\", \"session\", \"login\", { \"username\": \"root\", \"password\": \"admin01\"  } ] }"   

    The section highlighted in orange is the router's admin password. admin01 is the default value, replace it with your router's password. The address highlighted in green is the router's IP address. Replace this value with your router's IP. If you're trying to reach the router from LAN, use the local IP address (default:, if you're trying to reach the router from WAN, use the router's WAN IP address.

    Configuration examples json-rpc terminal get id.png

    The picture above depicts the process of obtaining a Session ID. The ID itself is encapsulated in a blue rectangle. Copy this ID as you will need it to authenticate yourself when using other commands.

    Getting router parameters

    Now that you have obtained a Session ID, you can issue commands to the router. Lets start with commands that return information about the router. For example, this is a command that returns the router's RSSI(signal strength) value:

    curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [\"a74c8e07646f0da2bfddce35bf3de1f3\", \"file\", \"exec\", { \"command\":\"gsmctl\", \"params\": [\"-q\"] } ] }"

    Highlighted in red is the Session ID. Replace it with the Session ID that was provided to you. Highlighted in orange is the command that we used for our query and highlighted in green is the parameter for the command: gsmctl -q.

    The picture bellow is a visual representation of this example. Encapsulated in a blue rectangle is the answer to the gsmctl -q query: -73 dBm.

    Configuration examples json-rpc terminal gsmctl.png

    You can issue almost any Linux command in a similar manner. For example, if you wish to get a list of file names contained in the config folder, the Linux command to do so would be ls /etc/config, which, translated to JSON-RPC, would be:

    curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [\"a74c8e07646f0da2bfddce35bf3de1f3\", \"file\", \"exec\", {\"command\":\"ls\", \"params\": [\"/etc/config\"] } ] }"

    Configuration examples json-rpc terminal ls.png

    The command is encapsulated in an orange rectangle and the answer - in a blue one.

    Setting router parameters

    This section will describe how to use uci set commands in order to set or change various router parameters via JSON-RPC. For more general information about the usage and syntax of UCI commands, check out our UCI command usage guide.

    uci set

    The uci set command is used to set router parameters. As an example, lets try to change the router's LAN IP address. The command to do so looks like this:

    curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"590bde71578da2fabfe77ba86c00e4e5\", \"uci\", \"set\", { \"config\":\"network\", \"type\":\"interface\", \"match\": {\"ipaddr\":\"\"}, \"values\": {\"ipaddr\":\"\"} } ] }"

    The sections highlighted in orange describe the config file's name and section (in this case, network config and interface section). Highlighted in red is the option in the config file that you wish to change (in this case, the router's LAN IP address, ipaddr). Finally, highlighted in green is the value that will to replace the old value (in this case, change the router's LAN IP address to If the command was issued successfully, you should see a Response like this:

    Configuration examples json-rpc terminal uci set.png

    uci commit

    In order to commit the changes from RAM to flash memory, you must execute a uci commit command. Continuing from the example above, lets commit the changes made to the network config. The command to do so looks like this:

    curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"9704f676709d9dedc98d7718c4e3e7d2\", \"uci\", \"commit\", {\"config\":\"network\"} ] }"

    When committing changes, you will need to specify the name of the file where the changes took place (in this case, network, which is highlighted in orange). If the commit was successful, you should see the same message as before:



    In order for the changes to take effect, use the luci-reload command which restarts all of the router's services. The luci-reload command looks like this:

    curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"428a9fa57f1a391db0bd1b865fa16bb5\", \"file\", \"exec\", {\"command\": \"luci-reload\"} ] }"

    The command itself is highlighted in orange.

    Setting Multiple Parameters

    This next example describes how to set multiple parameters in a single config file with one command. Lets change the default configuration of the Ping Reboot function (ping_reboot config file):

    curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"558a9b03c940e52f373f8c02498952e3\", \"uci\", \"set\", {\"config\":\"ping_reboot\", \"match\":{\"enable\":\"0\", \"host\":\"\", \"packet_size\":\"56\"}, \"values\":{\"enable\":\"1\", \"host\":\"\", \"packet_size\":\"64\"} } ] }"

    The command above will enable the Ping Reboot function, set the host to ping to and ping packet size to 64. The default values are highlighted in orange and the new ones are highlighted in green.

    Some Additional Commands

    If the commands found in the guide above did not suffice your needs, this section provides a list of additional ones. The commands presented in this section will be for both Linux and Windows operating systems. They should be used as syntax examples for your own purposes.

    WiFi clients list

    This command returns a list of devices connected to your WLAN and some additional information about the connection.


        "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
            "86fc586fa1471622473434ff0176fd66", "iwinfo", "assoclist",


    curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"86fc586fa1471622473434ff0176fd66\", \"iwinfo\", \"assoclist\", {\"device\":\"wlan0\"} ] }"

    The response should look something like this:


    To obtain these values, the Linux iwinfo command and assoclist parameter (red) are used. Highlighted in green are the devices connected to the router via WiFi as identified by their MAC addresses. The response information about the connection with the device, such as signal strength, noise, time of inactivity (idle time), rx, tx rate, etc., is highlighted in blue.

    WiFi information

    This command returns information on your WiFi Access Point.


        "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
            "a70ceeba344b6046625d8bcec132796c", "iwinfo", "info", 


    curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"a70ceeba344b6046625d8bcec132796c\", \"iwinfo\", \"info\", {\"device\":\"wlan0\"} ] }"


    {"enabled":false},"hwmodes":["b","g","n"],"hardware":{"name":"Generic MAC80211"}}]}

    As with the clients list command described above, to obtain this information the Linux iwinfo command is used, but this time with the info parameter (red). The relevant information, such as WiFi SSID, WiFi MAC address, WiFi channel, Encryption type, etc., is highlighted in blue

    Manufacturing information

    This command returns information about the device's manufacturing details like device's Product Code, Serial Number MAC Address, etc.


        "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
            "805725a19ab0fba6c2b44ecf2f952fb9","file", "exec",
                "command":"mnf_info", "params":["name", "sn", "mac"]


    curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"805725a19ab0fba6c2b44ecf2f952fb9\",\"file\", \"exec\",{ \"command\":\"mnf_info\", \"params\":[\"name\", \"sn\", \"mac\"] } ] }"



    To obtain the manufacturing information the mnf_info (highlighted in red) command is used. In this case a query was sent asking for the device's Product Code (name), Serial Number (sn) and MAC Address (mac) (highlighted in red in the query; returned values highlighted in blue). Using mnf_info, you can "ask" the router for any type of manufacturing information. Here is the list of possible mnf_info parameters:

    • mac - returns the router's LAN MAC address
    • maceth - returns the router's WAN MAC address
    • name - returns the router's Product Code
    • wps - returns the router's WPS PIN number
    • sn - returns the router's Serial number
    • batch - returns the router's Batch number
    • hwver - returns the router's Hardware Revision number
    • simpin - returns the router's SIM card's PIN (as it is specified in the Mobile section)
    • blver - returns the router's Bootloader version

    Firmware number

    This command returns the device's Firmware version number.


        "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method": "call", "params":
            "85ea4cb00398d8387b22d8fa6f75f753", "file", "read",


    curl -d "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"id\": 1, \"method\": \"call\", \"params\": [ \"85ea4cb00398d8387b22d8fa6f75f753\",\"file\", \"read\",{ \"path\":\"/etc/version\"} ] }"



    This command (file, read, highlighted in red) is an alternative to the Linux cat command we see used in the Getting router paramaters section of this guide. All you need is to specify the path (in this case /etc/version, highlighted in red) to the file that you wish to read.





    curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":1,\"method\":\"call\",\"params\":[\"5cd4b143b182c07bc578ae3310d6280e\",\"file\",\"exec\",{\"command\":\"reboot\",\"params\":[\"config\"]}]}"


    The success response for this command is an empty message. If the response contains no data, the command was executed successfully.

    Set SIM card information

    In this last example we'll try to change the mobile connection's MTU and Service mode values.


        "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"call", "params": 
            "558a9b03c940e52f373f8c02498952e3", "uci", "set",
                "config":"simcard", "type":"sim1", "match":


    curl -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"id\":1, \"method\":\"call\", \"params\":[\"558a9b03c940e52f373f8c02498952e3\", \"uci\", \"set\", {\"config\":\"simcard\", \"type\":\"sim1\", \"match\":{\"service\":\"auto\", \"mtu\":\"1500\"}, \"values\":{\"service\":\"lte-only\", \"mtu\":\"1476\"} } ] }"



    The command used is uci set (highlighted in red). The config file name is simcard, section sim1, options mtu and service (configs, sections and options highlighted in orange). The response shown above is a positive response, but don't forget to execute uci commit and luci-reload afterwards or else your changes will not take effect. The usage of uci commit and luci-reload commands is described here (for Windows) and here (for Linux).

    External links

    [[Category:{{{name}}} Configuration Examples]]