Setting up a Site-to-Site IPsec Tunnel between Teltonika Networks and Microsoft Azure

Revision as of 20:14, 27 May 2024 by Adevis (talk | contribs)


This article will guide you through configuring a Site-to-Site IPsec Tunnel between Teltonika routers/gateways and Microsodt Azure VPN gateway.


The user needs an Azure account with an active subscription.

Azure Platform

Create a VPN Gateway on the Azure Platform

Log into the Azure portal, search for "Virtual Network Gateways" and click on "Create".

VNGW 01.png

Use the information and images below as reference to complete the settings:

Projects details

  • Suscription: Your suscription
  • Resource Group: Your resource group.

Instance details

  • Name: VNet1GW
  • Region: Your prefered Region
  • Gateway type: VPN
  • SKU: VpnGW2AZ
  • Generation: Generation2 (mandatory)
  • Virtual Network: Select or create a new one.

Public IP address

  • Public IP address: Create new one.
  • Public IP address name: "Vnet1GWpip"
  • Assigment: Static
  • Enable active-active mode: Disabled
  • Configure BGP: Disabled

VNGW 02.png

VNGW 03.png

VNGW 04.png

Create a Virtual Network

In case you do not have a previously created virtual network, click on the blue URL link to create one:

VNGW 06.png

Finish the VPN gateway configuration

After finishing the previous configuration, you can continue with the tags. This section is not mandatory; therefore, we’ll leave it as default.

VNGW 07.png

Create a local network Gateway

Click on "Review + create", check that the network gateway has the parameters as shown below, and click on the "Create" button to finish.

VNGW 08.png

Create a connection

Teltonika device configuration

DDNS configuration

IPsec configuration

Check Site to Site Comminication