Default IPsec route configuration between Teltonika and Fortigate devices

The information in this page is updated in accordance with firmware version.


Normally we configure IPsec for LAN-to-LAN communication, also known as split-tunnel VPN, when only specific hosts should be reachable via a VPN tunnel. However, we may also take a different approach and configure a VPN tunnel using the full tunnel method. This means that any non-directly connected network (i.e. lan interface) will be reachable only via IPsec tunnel and not via the typical default route.

Configuration overview and prerequisites

Before we begin, let's look at the configuration we are attempting to achieve and the prerequisites that make it possible.


  • One RUT/RUTX series router or TRB gateway with RUTOS firmware;
  • One Fortinet series router;
  • An end device (PC, Laptop) for configuration;

If you're having trouble finding this page or some of the parameters described here on your device's WebUI, you should turn on "Advanced WebUI" mode. You can do that by clicking the "Advanced" button, located at the top of the WebUI.

Networking rutos manual webui basic advanced mode 75.gif


Fortinet – The Fortinet will act as a hub. A hub is a server, to which our spoke will be connected (IPsec responder). It will be our "default gateway" for the spoke device. Fortinet has a LAN subnet of and WAN subnet of configured on it, which should be reachable by the spoke.

RUTRUTX11 will act as a spoke. A spoke is a client, that will be connected to the spoke (IPsec initiator). It will be connected to a hub for basic internet access. RUTX11 has a LAN subnet of and WAN subnet of configured on it.

Fortinet (Hub) configuration

Start by configuring the hub (Fortinet) device. Login to the WebUI, navigate to VPN → IPsec Tunnels → Create new → IPsec Tunnel → Template Custom. Configure everything as follows.

Note: Not specified fields can be left as is or changed according to your needs.

Network configuration

Make the following changes:

  1. Remote Gateway – Static IP Address;
  2. IP Address –;
  3. Interface – wan1;
Fortigate IPsec Network Configuration.png

Authentication configuration

Make the following changes:

  1. Method – Pre-shared Key;
  2. Pre-shared Key – your desired password;
  3. Version – 2;
Fortigate IPsec Authentication Configuration.png

Phase 1 Proposal configuration

Make the following changes:

  1. Encryption – AES256;
  2. Authentication - SHA512;
  3. Diffie-Hellman Group – 16;
  4. Key Lifetime (seconds) – 86400;
Fortigate IPsec Phase1 Proposal Configuration.png

Phase 2 Selectors configuration

Make the following changes: Click on Advanced settings;

  1. Encryption – AES256;
  2. Authentication - SHA512;
  3. Diffie-Hellman Group – 16;
  4. Key Lifetime – Seconds;
  5. Seconds – 86400;
Fortigate IPsec Phase2 Proposal Configuration.png

RUT (Spoke) configuration

Start by configuring the spoke (RUT) device. Login to the WebUI, navigate to Services → VPN → IPsec and add a new IPsec instance. Configure everything as follows. Note: Not specified fields can be left as is or changed according to your needs.

Instance configuration

Make the following changes:

  1. Enable instance;
  2. Remote endpoint - Fortinet WAN IP;
  3. Authentication method - Pre-shared key;
  4. Pre-shared key - the same password you have set on Fortinet when configuring the Fortinet HUB instance;
  5. Local identifier – RUT WAN IP;
  6. Remote identifier – Fortinet WAN IP;
Networking webui manual IPsec Instance Configuration.png

Connection general section configuration

Make the following changes:

  1. Mode - Start;
  2. Type - Tunnel;
  3. Local subnet –;
  4. Remote subnet –;
  5. Key exchange - IKEv2;
Networking webui manual IPsec configuration connection settings v1.png

Connection advanced section configuration

Make the following changes:

  1. Enable local firewall
  2. Remote DNS –;
  3. Passthrough subnets –;
Networking webui manual IPsec Connection advanced Configuration.png

Proposal configuration

Make the following changes:

Networking webui manual IPsec configuration proposal phase1 settings v1.png
  1. Encryption - AES256;
  2. Authentication - SHA512;
  3. DH group - MODP4096;
  4. IKE lifetime - 86400s.

Networking webui manual IPsec configuration proposal phase2 settings v1.png
  1. Encryption - AES256;
  2. Authentication - SHA512;
  3. PFS group - MODP4096;
  4. Lifetime – 86400s;

Testing the configuration

If you have followed all the above steps, your configuration should be finished. But as with any other configuration, it is always wise to test the setup in order to make sure that it works properly.

Using the ipsec status command we can see that IPsec tunnel is successfully established on RUT router. The command output on a spoke (RUT) device:

Networking ssh manual IPsec configuration IPsec statusall test v1.png

Also, as the hub should be reachable by spoke, we can try pinging the hub using ping

Networking ssh manual IPsec configuration test ping v1.png

To check if IPsec tunnel is working properly from hub (Fortinet), we can try pinging our spoke (RUT) by using this command in command line interface on Fortinetexec ping, if you are not able to ping spoke (RUT), try changing the source interface from which we try pinging, by executing this command exec ping-options source

Fortinet IPsec test ping.png

See also

IPsec on Teltonika Networks devices

External links

OpenWrt Ipsec basics

Fortinet Ipsec configuration