Template:Rms manual management device submenu add device
To add a new device(s) to RMS, hover your mouse pointer over the Device submenu (Management → Device) and click Add device:
To upload a firmware file go to the RMS web page, Left sidebar panel, Files tab and click on Firmware submenu.
In the pop-up box select your company, choose the device's type (RUT or TRB), enter the device's serial number*, LAN MAC Address* (IMEI* for TRB) and a custom name. Click the plus () symbol to add more than one device. Click Add:
* You can find the serial number, LAN MAC address and IMEI on the device's package or in the WebUI, in the System → Administration → RMS page
Don't forget to set the Connection type field the Enabled on the device(s) that you are trying to add. You can do that from the System → Administration → RMS:
Wait for about a minute for the system to finish adding the device(s). You will know the process is done when the word "Done" appears under the Status field: