RUT955 Input/Output

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Main Page > EOL Products > RUT955 > RUT955 Manual > RUT955 WebUI > RUT955 Services section > RUT955 Input/Output


Template:Webui services input output summary


Template:Rut955 webui services input output characteristics


Template:Webui services input output status

Services inputoutput status v2.png

Custom Labels

If the default Input/Output labels do not suit your needs, you can always configure custom ones in the Custom Labels section. The configuration is simple, just click the Edit button next to the desired Input or Output and you will be redirected to a window such as this:

Services inputoutput status label v2.png

The figure above represents how custom label configuration for Digital Input looks like, but the configuration for all Inputs and Outputs (except Analog) is analogous. The changes are purely cosmetic and used for easier management purposes: you can change the Input's/Output's name and the names of its states. In addition to adding custom names, you can also define how the Displayed Value is calculated for Analog Input. The figure below represents how the configuration of custom labels for Analog Input looks like.

Services inputoutput status analog v2.png

Command line status

Template:Webui services input output status cli io

Template:Webui services input output status cli io analog


The Input section is used to configure Input rules and set Analog Input value check interval:

Services inputoutput input check v2.png

Input Rules

Input Rules provides you with the possibility to set up rules that execute specified actions after specified triggers occur.

Services inputoutput input configuration v2.png

Enable yes | no; Default: yes Toggles the Input rule ON or OFF
Input type Digital | Digital isolated | Analog; Default: Digital Selects which Input is tied to the rule
Trigger Input open | Input shorted | Both; Default: Input open Specifies the Trigger after which the rule will take effect
Action Send SMS | Change SIM card | Send email | Change profile | Turn on WiFi | Turn off WiFi | Reboot | Activate output | HTTP POST/GET; Default: Send SMS Action to be taken after the Trigger takes place

Send SMS - sends an SMS message to a specified number(s). The message text is custom

Change SIM card - switches the SIM card that is currently in use

Send email - sends an email to the specified address. You will be prompted to enter your email account's authentication information

Change profile - switches the profile in use to the specified profile

Turn on WiFi/Turn off WiFi - turns WiFi ON or OFF

Reboot - reboots the router after a specified amount of time

Activate output - activates specified output

HTTP POST/GET - gets or posts data to HTTP


The Output section is used to configure the router's outputs: Relay Output and Open Collector (OC) Output.

Output Configuration

The Output Configuration tab is used to change the default states of the router's outputs.

Services inputoutput output configuration v2.png

Open collector output High level | Low level; Default: Low level Changes the default* state of the Open collector (OC) output
Relay output Contacts open | Contacts closed; Default: Contacts closed Relay Output default state

* Changing the default state of an output means that the changes will be written into the input/output config and saved, therefore making the change permanent. This means that, unless some other related change occurs, the state of the output will remain as set in this section. Therefore, if the input/output service restarts or the device reboots, it will have no effect on the state of the output.


The ON/OFF section is used to turn Outputs ON or OFF, but it doesn't save the state permanently, meaning that after a reboot the states will revert back to their default values.

Services inputoutput output onoff v2.png

Post/Get Configuration

Post/Get Configuration allows you to perform action requests by writing them in the URL field after your device’s IP address.

Services inputoutput output post get v2.png

Enable yes | no; Default: no Toggles POST/GET ON or OFF
Username string; Default: " " Username used for authentication in POST/GET queries
Password string; Default: " " Password used for authentication in POST/GET queries

Post/Get usage

Template:Webui services input output post get configuration usage

Turn Relay Output ON
Turn Relay Output ON after a 10 second delay
Turn Relay Output ON for 5 seconds
Turn Relay Output ON for 5 seconds after a 15 second delay
Turn Relay Output OFF for 5 seconds after a 15 second delay
Turn Open Collector Output ON
Turn Open Collector Output OFF


  • - router's default LAN IP address; replace it in accordance with your own configuration
  • username - login name from Post/Get Configuration
  • password - password from Post/Get Configuration
  • action - the action that is to be performed on the specified Output (can be on or off)
  • pin - specifies on which Output the action will be applied (can be oc or relay)
  • delay - defines a delay (in seconds) after which the specified action will be performed
  • time - defines a window of time during which the action will take place. For instance, if you post an ON action for an output while specifying time=5, that Output will turn ON and stay ON for 5 seconds before turning OFF

Delay and time parameters can be used together. For example, if delay is 10, time is 5, action is on, then 10 seconds after the execution of the command, the output will switch to ON (or stay in ON state if it was already ON), then after 5 more seconds it will switch to OFF state. In this case, the overall command execution time is 15 seconds.

Actions ON and OFF depend on setting „Output configuration in active state“ (ON is active state), which can be set via Services → Input/Output → Output

Periodic Control

The Periodic control section allows you to set up automatic output control rules that trigger output state changes at the specified period or interval.

Services inputoutput output periodic v2.png

Enable yes | no; Default: no Toggles the rule ON or OFF
Output Digital OC output | Digital Relay output; Default: Digital OC output To which output the rule pertains
Action On | Off; Default: On Periodic action to be taken
Action timeout yes | no; Default: no Activates action timeout. Action timeout specifies whether an action should end after some time. For example, if the specified Action is to turn Digital OC output On and the action triggers, the Action timeout then turns Digital OC output back off after a specified amount of time in seconds specified in this field
Timeout (sec) integer; Default: " " Specifies how long the Action timeout is
Mode Fixed | Interval; Default: Fixed Fixed mode triggers the specified action on a specified day(s), hour and minute. For example, every Sunday at 8:30 AM

Interval provides you with the possibility to set up an interval after which the same action takes place


The Scheduler lets you configure a schedule of when certain outputs are to be enabled or disabled.

Services inputoutput output scheduler v2.png

Additional Information