Main Page > IoT Platforms > RMS > RMS Manual > RMS Administration > RMS Tags


The Tags can be found under the Administration section in the left sidebar and is used to create Tags that can later have devices assigned to them. And users can utilize functionality for various management purposes. Like device filtering by building, location, floor etc. This section of the RMS user manual provides an overview of the Tags section.

View Tags

To manage all created tags go to the RMS web page, Left sidebar panel, (Administration → Tags), this will take you to the Tags overview.


An example of different Tags created for demonstration purposes.

You are able to:

  1. Create new tags.
  2. Search by name, description and filter by company.
  3. Do such actions as: view tagged devices metrics, delete tag.
  4. Change and add a description for the tag.
  5. Change table settings and refresh all the data.


Add new Tag

The Add new tag function is used to add new device tags to your RMS profile.

To create a new tag go to the RMS web page, Left sidebar panel, (Management → Devices) and click on Devices submenu.

Move your mouse pointer to the Top control Tags menu and select Add new Tag (Tags → Add new Tag).

RMS-device-menu-left-sidebar-panel.jpg Rms manual top add new tag v1.png

  1. Select a company, enter a tag name, add the description (optional) and finally click "Add".
  2. At the top of your screen you will get a notification: Tag created successfully.
  3. The newly created tag will be visible in the Tags table.

Rms manual top add new tag pop up v1.png

Assign tags to device list

To add tags to your device(s) list, go to the RMS web page, Left sidebar panel (Management → Overview) and click on Overview submenu.

Move your mouse pointer to the Top control Devices menu and select Assign tags to device list (Devices → Assign tags to device list).

RMS-device-menu-left-sidebar-panel.jpg Rms manual top assign tags v1.png

In this example, we will import and *.CSV list we have prepared previously.

Rms manual top assign tag device list v1.png

Read these step by step instructions to learn how to add tags to your device(s) list.

  1. Download demo CSV file
  2. Add your device information and prepare the CSV.
  3. Once you have the CSV file in order, move your mouse pointer to the Top control Tags menu and select Assign tags to device list.
  4. Selected your CSV file you have prepared previously.
  5. Search or select for tag(s) you want to add. You can add multiple tags at the same time.
  6. When ready click Assign button.

At the top of your screen, you will get a notification in green text: Tag(s) successfully assigned to device(s).

Manage tag(s)

To manage tag(s) for your device(s) in RMS, go to the RMS web page, Left sidebar panel, (Management → Devices), select desired devices and click on Device submenu. There you'll have an option to Manage tag(s).