RMS Remote Access

Revision as of 10:20, 15 November 2022 by JustasB (talk | contribs)

Main Page > IoT Platforms > RMS > RMS Manual > RMS Connect > RMS Remote Access


Remote access is a service, which let you connect directly to the devices that are connected to Teltonika's equipment using various protocols such as SSH, Telnet, HTTP(S), RDP, VNC, and SFTP.


By navigating to RMS Connect -> Remote access, you'll be greeted with this screen.
Here, you'll be able to add new connections and search through existing ones using various parameters such as protocol, tag, or company used in connection. Also, you can change how this list will be displayed. Remote access2.png

Adding connection

Connecting using auto mode

To add a new connection - click ADD, in the pop-up menu you'll be able to create a new direct connection to Teltonika's device. There, you'll have 2 Options - Auto or manual.

In auto mode, you'll get to choose:

  • Device, through which a direct connection will be made
  • Which IP will be made
  • Which protocol/port will be used.
Connecting using manual mode

In manual mode you'd have to:

  • Write IP to which you'll be connecting
  • Type through which port connection will be made
  • Which protocol will be used
  • Through which RMS' device this connection will be made

Connection view

By clicking on any connection in the list, you'll be taken to its overview. Remote access5.png In this windows, you can:

  1. Connect to using this specific connection.
  2. View its connectivity parameters.
  3. View device details through which the connection is active.
  4. Generate a new connection link.
  5. View any recent remote access logs.


In total there are 7 different protocols which can be used for Remote Access:

  • SSH
  • Telnet
  • HTTP(S)
  • SFTP