Dynamic DNS

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Main Page > FAQ > Remote Access > Dynamic DNS


Template:Webui services ddns summary

DDNS Configuration

Template:Webui services ddns ddns configuration

Rutxxx webui services ddns ddns configuration v1.png

DDNS Configuration: editing a DDNS instance

Template:Webui services ddns ddns configuration edit instance

Rutxxx webui services ddns ddns configuration edit v1.png

Template:Webui services ddns ddns configuration edit instance table

Enable yes | no; Default: no Toggles the DDNS instance ON or OFF
Use HTTP Secure yes | no; Default: no Enables SSL data encryption
Status string; Default: N/A Displays the data of the last status update of the DDNS instance. When status is shown as N/A, it means that the router has not been able to establish a connection to the DNS service provider
Service third party DNS service (choosen from list*) | -- custom --; Default: dyn.com Third party DNS service provider
Lookup host host; Default: yourhost.example.com Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your defined host. This is required to verify what the hostname's current IP address at DNS is (using nslookup/host command)
Hostname host; Default: yourhost.example.com Hostname that will be linked with the router's IP address
User name/Password string; Default: your_username/your_password User name and password required to login to the third party DNS service. The information in the User name and Password fields is used by the router to periodically login to your DNS service account and make the necessary updates
IP address source Custom | Public | Private | Script; Default: Custom Defines the source to read systems IPv4-Address from, that will be send to the DNS provider

Allows you to select a specific RUT interface and then send the IP address of that interface to the DDNS server. So if, for example, your RUT has a Private IP (i.e. on its WAN (3G interface), then you can send this exact IP to DDNS server by selecting Private

Network LAN | WAN | WAN2 | WAN3 | PPP | PPP_USB; Default: WAN Specifies which interface's IP address should be bound to the hostname
IP renew interval integer [5..600000]; Default: 10 Time interval (in minutes by default) to check if the IP address of the device has changed
Force IP renew integer [5..600000]; Default: 472 Time interval (in minutes by default) to force IP address renewal
3322.org able.or.kr afraid.org-basicauth afraid.org-keyauth all-inkl.com bind-nsupdate binero.se changeip.com
cloudflare.com-v4 core-networks.de ddns.com.br ddnss.de ddo.jp desec.io dhis.org dnsdynamic.org
dnsexit.com dnshome.de dnsmadeeasy.com dnsmax.com dnsomatic.com dnspark.com do.de domopoli.de
dtdns.com duckdns.org duiadns.net dy.fi dyn.com dyndns.it dyndns.org dyndnss.net
dyns.net dynsip.org dynu.com dynv6.com easydns.com editdns.net goip.de google.com
he.net joker.com loopia.se mydns.jp myonlineportal.net mythic-beasts.com namecheap.com nettica.com
no-ip.com no-ip.pl now-dns.com nsupdate.info nubem.com opendns.com oray.com ovh.com
regfish.de schokokeks.org secure.camera selfhost.de sitesolutions.com spdns.de spdyn.de strato.com
system-ns.com thatip.com twodns.de umedia.de variomedia.de xlhost.de zerigo.com zoneedit.com

See also