TSW202 Administration

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Main Page > TSW Switches > TSW202 > TSW202 Manual > TSW202 WebUI > TSW202 System section > TSW202 Administration

The information in this page is updated in accordance with firmware version TSW2_R_00.01.04.1.


This page is an overview of the Administration section of TSW202 devices.


The General section is used to set up some of device managerial parameters, such as changing device name. For more information on the General section, refer to figure and table below.

Field Value Description
General settings
Language English | Spanish | Japanese | Portuguese | Turkish | German; default: English Currently active language of Web interface.
Data analytics off | on; default: off Enables the collection of data, which is used to improve the quality and user experience of our products. It includes sending information about the device and the usage of the Web interface. The data is collected in compliance with the Privacy policy.
Device name and hostname
Device name string; default: TSW202 Device model name.
Hostname string; default: Teltonika-TSW202.com Device hostname. This can be used for communication with other LAN hosts.
Reset Button Configuration
Action The type of action when the reset button is triggered.
Min time integer [0..60]; default: none Minimum time (in seconds) the button needs to be held to perform an action.
Max time integer [1..60]; default: none Maximum time (in seconds) the button can be held to perform an action, after which no action will be performed.
Enable off | on; default: on Enables the action.

Date & Time


Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks. This chapter is an overview of the NTP section for TSW202 devices.


The Time Synchronization section lets you select time zone and synchronize the time.

The figure below is an example of the Time Synchronization section and the table below provides information about the fields contained in that section:

Field Value Description
Current system time time; default: none Current local time of the device.
Sync with browser -(interactive button) Click to synchronize device time and time zone to browsers, if your device time or time zone is not correct.
Time zone time zone; default: UTC The device will sync time in accordance with the selected time zone.


This section is used to configure NTP client and time servers.

Time Synchronization

This section is used to configure the device's time settings.

Field Value Description
Enable NTP Client off | on; default: on Turns NTP on or off.
Save time to flash off | on; default: off Saves last synchronized time to flash memory.
Force Servers off | on; default: off Forces unreliable NTP servers.
Update interval (in seconds) integer; default: 86400 How often the device will update the time.
Offset frequency integer; default: 0 Adjusts the minor drift of the clock so that it will run more accurately.
Count of time synchronizations integer; default: none The amount of times the device will perform time synchronizations. Leave empty in order to set to infinite.

Time Servers

This section is used to specify which time servers the device will use for time synchronization. To add more time servers to the list, click the 'Add' button.

Field Value Description
Hostname ip | url; default: 0.openwrt.pool.ntp.org NTP servers that this device uses to sync time.
Delete button -(interactive) button Deletes hostname.

User Settings

Change Password

The User settings section is used to change the password of the current user.

System Users


The System Users page is used to add new user accounts that can access the device with different user credentials than the default ones. The newly added users can be assigned to one of two groups, either of which can be modified to limit WebUI read/write access rights for users belonging to each specific group.

This page is unrelated to SSH users. By default, there is one SSH user named "root" and it shares the same password as the default WebUI user named "admin".

This manual page provides an overview of the Users page in TSW202 devices.


The Groups section lists available user groups of which there are three:

  • root - highest level of authority. Key elements that define this group:
    • has unlimited read/write access;
    • additional users cannot be added to this group;
    • access rights for this group cannot be modified.

  • admin - second highest level of authority. Key elements that define this group:
    • limited read access; by default, users belonging to this group cannot view these pages:
      • System → Administration → Users Settings → System Users
      • System → Maintenance → Backup
      • System → Firmware
      • System → Maintenance → CLI
    • limited write access; by default, users belonging to this group cannot view these pages:
      • System → Administration → Users Settings → System Users
      • System → Maintenance → Backup
      • System → Firmware
      • System → Maintenance → CLI
      • System → Administration → Access Control → General
    • access rights can be modified.

  • user - lowest level of authority. Key elements that define this group:
    • no write access;
    • limited read access; by default, users belonging to this group cannot view these pages:
      • System → Administration → Users Settings → System Users;
      • System → Firmware
      • System → Maintenance → Backup
      • System → Administration → Access Control
      • System → Maintenance → Troubleshoot
      • Network
    • access rights can be modified.

Additional note: you can view and/or edit settings for each group by clicking the 'Edit' button next to them. More on information on how to edit group access settings is located in the following section of this manual page.

Group Settings (edit group)

A group's parameters can be set in its Group Settings page. To access the Groups Settings page, click the 'Edit' button next to the group's name. Below is an example of the Group Settings section:

Field Value Description
Write action Allow | Deny; default: Allow Specifies whether to deny or allow write access for users belonging the group.
Write access path(s) to page(s); default: in the picture above Controls the ability of users to change and execute the contents (e.g. admin/network/lan).
Read action Allow | Deny; default: Deny Specifies whether to deny or allow read access for users belonging the group.
Read access path(s) to page(s); default: in the picture above Controls the ability of users to navigate the contents (e.g. admin/network/*)

The easiest way to master the syntax is to navigate to page that you want to generate a path for and the copy the path from the URL of that page.

For example, to specify the path to the Network → Mobile page, navigate to the page, copy the page's URL address starting from the symbol "#" and paste it into one of the access fields:

However, the VPN window contains links to many different types of VPN pages. If you want to specify only one of them, you can do it as well. For example, to to specify the path to the IPsec page, add "/ipsec" to the path string:


An asterisk (*) in the path string means that the every page from that point on is included in that path. For example, to generate a path that includes pages in the Services menu tab:


Or to simply include everything in the entire WebUI (if this path is combined with Read action: Deny, users from that group will not be able to login to the WebUI):



The Users section lists all created users and provides the possibility to change their passwords and the group they belong to (with the exception of the default user "admin" which always belongs to the root group).

By default, there is only one user called "admin":

User Settings (edit user)

Each user's password and group parameters can be set in their User Settings pages. To access the User Settings page, click the 'Edit' button next to the user's name.

However, you may want to add a new user at first. This can be done from the Add New User section below:

  1. create a username;
  2. create a password for the user (must contain at least 8 characters, including at least one upper case letter and one digit);
  3. click the 'Add' button;
  4. click the 'Edit' next to newly added user.

Below is an example of a newly added user's settings page:

Field Value Description
Username string; default: none Displays the user's name.
New password string; default: none
  • Create a new password for the user. The password must contain at least 8 characters, including at least one upper case letter and one digit.
  • Another option is to use the 'Dice' icon, which generates random passwords.
  • Confirm new password string; default: none Repeat the new password.
    Group admin | user; default: user The group to which the user belongs.
    Enable SSH access off | on; default: off Enables SSH access (only for 'root' users).

    Add New User

    The Add New User section is used to create additional users that can access the WebUI. After a new user is added, it will appear in the Users section.

    Field Value Description
    Username string; default: none A custom name for the new user.
    Password string; default: none
  • A password for the new user. The password must contain at least 8 characters, including at least one upper case letter and one digit.
  • Another option is to use the 'Dice' icon, which generates random passwords.
  • Group admin | user; default: user The group to which the user belongs.

    Access Control


    The Access Control page is used to manage local access to device.

    Important: turning on remote access leaves your device vulnerable to external attackers. Make sure you use a strong password.


    Field Value Description
    PAM Disabled | Enabled; default: Disabled You can change PAM configuration .
    Enable SSH access off | on; default: on Turns SSH access from the local network (LAN) on or off.
    Port integer [0..65535]; default: 22 Selects which port to use for SSH access.
    Authentication type Password | Key-based only | Use both; default: Password
  • Password - SSH access with password for root user
  • Key-based only - enables key-based authentication only and disables password authentication for root user
  • Use Both - use both password and public keys for authentication
  • Public keys -(input field) Public keys for ssh key-based authentication. Each individual key must be specified on a new line.


    Field Value Description
    PAM Disabled | Enabled; default: Disabled You can change PAM configuration here.
    Enable HTTP access off | on; default: on Turns HTTP access from the local network (LAN) to the device WebUI on or off.
    HTTP Port integer [0..65535]; default: 80 Selects which port to use for HTTP access.


    Field Value Description
    PAM Disabled | Enabled; default: Disabled You can change PAM configuration here.
    Enable HTTPS access off | on; default: on Turns HTTPS access from the local network (LAN) to the device WebUI on or off.
    Redirect to HTTPS off | on; default: off Redirects connection attempts from HTTP to HTTPS.
    HTTPS Port integer [0..65535]; default: 443 Selects which port to use for HTTPS access.
    Certificate file -(interactive button) Download certificate file from device. Used for browsers to reach HTTPS connection.


    Field Value Description
    Enable CLI off | on; default: on Turns CLI access from the local network (LAN) on or off.
    Port range range of integers [0..65534]-[1..65535]; default: 4200-4220 Selects which ports to use for CLI access.
    Shell limit integer [1..10]; default: 5 Maximum number of active CLI connections.


    Modify PAM Auth

    Field Value Description
    Enable off | on; default: on Turns the PAM auth on or off.
    Module TACACS+ | Radius | Local; default: Local Specifies the PAM module that implements the service.
    Type Required | Requisite | Sufficient | Optional; default: Optional Determines the continuation or failure behavior for the module
    WebUI PAM auth option: Enable for all users off | on; default: off Turn on PAM authentication for all users. It will allow login with users that are not created on the device.
    WebUI PAM auth option: Select users -(list) Select users for PAM authentication.
    Radius: Enable for all users off | on; default: off Turn on PAM authentication for all users. It will allow login with users that are not created on the device.
    Radius: Require Message-Authenticator off | on; default: on Require and validate Message-Authenticator RADIUS attribute on Access-Request replies.
    TACACS+/Radius: Server ip4 | ip6; default: none The IP address of the RADIUS server
    TACACS+/Radius: Secret string; default: none RADIUS shared secret
    TACACS+/Radius: Port integer [0..65535]; default: 49/1812 RADIUS server authentication port
    Radius: Timeout integer [3..10]; default: 3 Timeout in seconds waiting for RADIUS server reply.


    The Security tab provides the possibility to enable/disable blocking IP's service and delete blocked devices from the list.

    Login Attempts

    Field Value Description
    Source IP address Shows the IP address from which the connection failed.
    Destination IP address Shows yours device IP adress
    Port (protocol) Port number Shows the port number from which the connection failed.
    Status Attempt count | Blocked Shows the number of failed attempts to connect to device. Indicates whether the source address is blocked or not.
    Reset Check box Allows you to select multiple IP addresses.
    Actions -(interactive button) Allows you to select multiple IP addresses.
    Unblock all -(interactive button) Deletes instance.
    Unblock selected -(interactive button) Unblocks selected source adresses from the list.

    IP Block Settings

    IP Block Settings can be found by pressing 'Settings' button under security tab:

    Field Value Description
    Enable off | on; default: on Enable or disable blocking IP's if they have reached the set amount of failed times.
    Type Timed blocking | Permanent blocking; default: Timed blocking You can choose an option of a blocking type.
    Fail count integer [1..1000]; default: 10 An amount of times IP address can try to access SSH or WebUI before being blocked.
    Clean after reboot off | on; default: off If enabled, blocked loging attempts list will be cleared on device reboot.



    Configuration profiles provide a way to create multiple distinct device configuration sets and apply them to the device based on current user requirements. This chapter is an overview of the Profiles page in TSW202 devices.

    Configuration Profiles

    This section displays user defined configuration profiles:

    To create a new profile, configure the device in accordance with your needs, go to this page, enter a custom name for the profile and click the 'Add' button. You can also choose to create a profile without any previous configurations. A new profile with the given name will appear in the "configuration profiles" list:

    The 'Apply' button applies the adjacent configuration on the device.


    The Profile Scheduler provides a possibility to set up a schedule of when the device should use one profile configuration or another.

    Check Profile Scheduler Instance Example to get a better understanding at how Profile Scheduler Instances works.

    General Configuration

    The General Configuration section is used to enable the Scheduler itself. Created instances won't work unless this option is turned on.

    Profile Scheduler Instances

    The Profile Scheduler Instances section allows you to create profile Instances to be enabled during specific time intervals. To add a new Instance click Add button.

    Note: new Instance can only be created if there is at least one custom profile created.

    Profile Scheduler Instance Configuration

    This page is used to configure profile, time and day of selected scheduler instance. Refer to the figure and table below for information on the Profile Scheduler Instance Configuration fields:

    Field Value Description
    Enable off | on; default: off Enable selected instance for scheduler.
    Profile profiles; default: none Select profile which will be applied during specified time interval.
    Interval Type Weekdays | Month Days; default: Weekdays Depending on your needs select whether you want to configure weekdays or specific month days.
    Start Time time; default: 12:00 Enter time of the start of interval in which scheduler will switch profiles.
    End Time time; default: 12:00 Enter time of the end of interval in which scheduler will switch profiles back.
    Interval Type: Weekdays
    Start Day Weekday [Monday..Sunday]; default: Sunday Select a day of the start of interval in which scheduler will switch profiles.
    End Day Weekday [Monday..Sunday]; default: Sunday Select a day of the end of interval in which scheduler will switch profiles back.
    Interval Type: Month Days
    Start Day Day of month [1..31]; default: 1 Select a day of the start of interval in which scheduler will switch profiles.
    End Day Day of month [1..31]; default: 1 Select a day of the end of interval in which scheduler will switch profiles back.
    Force last day off | on; default: off Force intervals to accept last day of month as valid option if selected day doesn't exist in ongoing month.
    Profile Scheduler Instance Example

    Scheduler will use profile instance if it is enabled and it's time interval matches device's date, otherwise default profile will be used.

    Example - we have 3 profiles in total:

    • default
    • Profile A
    • Profile B

    We create profile instances for Profiles A and B:

    • Profile A: 08:00 - 11:00
    • Profile B: 13:00 - 20:00

    During 11:00 - 13:00 and 20:00 - 08:00 default profile will be used.