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This page contains information the different types of LEDs and their behaviour on a OTD140 device.

Power LED

The power LED's are located on the each Ethernet ports (POE In/POE Out). Green PD (Power Device) LED shines when power is supplied to device PoE In port. Green PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment) activity LED shines when PD device is connected to PoE Out port.

Networking otd140 manual leds power led.png

It indicates whether the device is powered on or not.

Ethernet port LEDs

There are two LEDs located at the top of each Ethernet port.

Networking otd140 manual leds ethernet leds.png

They provide information on the current states of the Ethernet ports. Each port has two LEDs:

  • Orange - 10/100 Mbps connection
  • Green- power LED

Below is an explanation on the behaviours of green and orange LEDs.

State Description
Yellow LED on A data connection on the port is operational (cable plugged in, end device visible, no data is being transferred).
Yellow LED off No data connection on the port is operational (no cable, bad cable or end device not visible for some other reason (such as damaged network card).
Yellow LED blinking Connection established and data is being transferred over this port.
Green LED on Power ON.
Green LED off Power OFF.
Green LED blinking Power supply/device being disrupted or not stable.

Mobile network type LEDs

The mobile network type LEDs are located near the SIM card slot.

Networking otd140 manual leds mobile network type leds.png

They display which type of Internet connection is currently active.

Action Description
2G LED turned on Device is connected to a 2G network.
3G LED turned on Device is connected to a 3G network.
4G LED turned on Device is connected to a 4G network.
2G blinking Device is connected to a 2G network but hasn't received an IP address.
3G blinking Device is connected to a 3G network but hasn't received an IP address.
4G blinking Device is connected to a 4G network but hasn't received an IP address.
All LEDs blinking at the same time every 500 ms No SIM card or incorrect PIN.
All LEDs turn on and off in a sequence one after the other The device is attempting to connect to a mobile network operator.

Mobile signal strength indication LEDs

The mobile signal strength indication LEDs are located near the SIM card slot.

Networking otd140 manual leds mobile signal strength leds.png

The number of lit up LEDs represents a different mobile signal strength (RSSI) value in dBm.

No. of lit up LEDs Signal strength value
0 ≤ -111 dBm
1 -110 dBm to -82 dBm
2 -81 dBm to -52 dBm
3 ≥ -51 dBm

The Mobile signal strength LEDs can also be used as a time indicator for holding the reset button. When you press and hold the reset button, if there is a User's default configuration configured on the device, you have to hold it pressed for 6 seconds (by default) to initiate a User's default configuration reset and 12 seconds (by default) to initiate a Factory reset. Otherwise, it is only necessary to hold the reset button for 6 seconds to trigger a Factory reset. If the button was held down longer than 20 seconds (by default) no action will be taken.

While holding the reset button each lit up signal strength LED indicate that a period of two seconds has passed. In case with OTD140, when all 3 Mobile signal strength LEDs are lit up, they represent that 6 (LED number multiplied by 2) seconds have passed since you pressed down on the reset button.

After releasing the button at one of the reset periods, all 3 LEDs will start blinking every 1 second. This signifies that the router has begun the reset.