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Main Page > EOL Products > RUT240 > RUT240 Manual > RUT240 WebUI > RUT240 Services section > RUT240 DLMS

The information in this page is updated in accordance with firmware version RUT2_R_00.07.06.16.


The DLMS / COSEM standard suite (IEC 62056 / EN 13757- 1) is the most widely accepted international utility meter data exchange standard. DLMS is the application layer protocol that transforms the data into messages and COSEM describes the general object model and can be used for all kinds of presentations.

This manual page provides an overview of the DLMS functionality in RUT240 devices.

Note: DLMS is additional software that can be installed from the System → Package Manager page.


The Main page is used to configure DLMS physical devices and Cosem Groups.

DLMS Physical devices

Interoperable devices in DLMS categorize as server (physical device) and client. Data collection device act as a client that supports system dependent features, parameters, functions and classes requesting data from the server (physical device). In this structure, communication protocol stack is independent of application layer so both devices may communicate different media. To add a new physical device, enter an new configuration name and click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual dlms dlms physical devices add button v2.png

After clicking 'Add' you will be redirected to the newly added physical device's configuration page.

DLMS Physical device configuration

The DLMS Physical device configuration section is used to configure the parameters of server (physical device).

Networking rutos manual dlms dlms physical devices configuration v2.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Enables specific physical device configuration.
Connection empty ; default: none DLMS connection.
Name string; default: previously added device name Physical device name.
Server address integer [0..255]; default: 1 DLMS device server address.
Logic server address integer [0..255]; default: 0 DLMS device logical server address.
Client address integer [0..255]; default: 16 DLMS device client address.
Access security none | Low | High | High MD5 | High SHA1 | High GMAC; default: none DLMS device authentication type.
Password string; default: none DLMS device password if authentication is used.
Interface type HDLC | WRAPPER; default: HDLC DLMS device interface type.
Transport security none | Authentication | Encryption | Authentication encryption; default: none DLMS device message encryption.
Invocation counter OBIS code string; default: none DLMS device invocation counter OBIS code.
Authentication key string (Length of the value must be 32); default: none DLMS device authentication key.
Block cipher key string (Length of the value must be 32); default: none DLMS device block cipher key.
Dedicated key string (Length of the value must be 32); default: none DLMS device dedicated key.
Logical name referencing on | off; default: on DLMS devices use Logical Names to reference and access specific data objects or attributes during communication. For example, when requesting data from a device, you might reference a specific Logical Name to retrieve the information.
Test -(interactive button) Test device configuration.

DLMS Cosem groups

To add a new cosem group, enter an new configuration name and click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual dlms dlms cosem groups add button.png

After clicking 'Add' you will be redirected to the newly added cosem group's configuration page.

DLMS Cosem group configuration

The DLMS Cosem group configuration section is used to configure the parameters of cosem groups.

Networking rutos manual dlms dlms cosem groups configuration v2.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Enables Cosem group.
Name string; default: previously added cosem group name OBIS code group name.
Interval integer [1..4294967295]; default: 1 Interval for OBIS code reading (in seconds).
Test -(interactive button) Test cosem group.

DLMS Cosem value

Cosem value is a specific value retrieved from a defined server (physical device). To add a new cosem value, enter an new configuration name and click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual dlms dlms cosem value add button v2.png

After clicking 'Add' you will be redirected to the newly added cosem value's configuration page.

Networking rutos manual dlms dlms cosem value configuration.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Enables Cosem state.
Name string; default: previously added cosem value name COSEM option name.
Physical device selection; default: none Physical device to read from.
OBIS code string; default: none OBIS code value, actions are not executed, only properties are read.
COSEM class id DATA (ID: 1) | REGISTER (ID: 3) | REGISTER (ID: 3) | DEMAND REGISTER (ID: 5) | REGISTER ACTIVATION (ID: 6) | PROFILE GENERIC (ID: 7) | CLOCK (ID: 8) | SCRIPT TABLE (ID: 9); default: DATA (ID: 1) Object type for OBIS code.
Entries interger [1..32767]; default: none How many data objects to read.


The Connections page is used to configure DLMS connections. You can use either TCP or serial (depending on the router) connection to establish a connection between the physical device and the router.

DLMS Connections

To add a new connection, enter an new connection name and click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual dlms dlms connections add button.png

After clicking 'Add' you will be redirected to the newly added connection's configuration page.

DLMS Connection configuration

The DLMS Connection configuration section is used to configure the parameters of connections.

Networking rutos manual dlms dlms connections configuration.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Enables Cosem state.
Name string; default: previously added connection name Name of DLMS connection configuration.
Connection type TCP ; default: TCP DLMS connection type.
IP address ip; default: none DLMS device IP address for TCP connection.
Port integer [1..65535]; default: none DLMS device IP port for TCP connection.