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Main Page > RUT Routers > RUT300 > RUT300 Manual > RUT300 LEDs

This page contains information the different types of LEDs and their behaviour on a RUT300 device.

Power LED

The power LED is located on the bottom left corner of the front panel, just under the power connector.

Networking rut300 manual leds power led.png

It indicates whether the device is powered on or not.

State Description
LED turned on Device is powered on.
LED turned off Device is not powered on.

Ethernet port LEDs

There is one LEDs located at the top-left of each Ethernet port (top-right green port is unused).

Networking rut300 manual leds ethernet leds.png

They provide information on the current states of the Ethernet ports. Each port has one LED:

  • Orange - 10/100 Mbps connection

Below is an explanation on the behaviours of orange LEDs.

State Description
LED on A data connection on the port is operational (cable plugged in, end device visible, no data is being transferred).
LED off No data connection on the port is operational (no cable, bad cable or end device not visible for some other reason (such as damaged network card)).
LED blinking Connection established and data is being transferred over this port.