RUT956 FirstNet

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FirstNet logo.jpg

FirstNet is a mobile network in the United States of America built by AT&T for first responders.


The network is built for public safety, featuring a dedicated infrastructure that separates public safety and normal user traffic. FirstNet subscribers are provided with always-on priority on LTE Band 14 and preemptive access to network resources during periods of high network traffic. FirstNet users who assist first responders can be granted priority status, ensuring uninterrupted communication during critical times.

FirstNet approval

Devices with the product codes:

• RUT956 A*****1

are approved by AT&T for use on the First Responder Network and can be found on the AT&T IoT Device Catalog:

AT&T FirstNet approved RUT956AF A*****1

NIST List of Certified Devices

Devices with the product codes:

• RUT956 A*****1

has been listed on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) List of Certified Devices. This list lists devices that have been certified to meet appropriate protocols and standards for access to, use of, or compatibility with the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN) that First Responder Network Authority (FN) and AT&T build and maintain, in accordance with the process document – "Process Document for the NIST List of Certified Devices":

NIST listed RUT956AF A*****1

1 – the “*” in product code represents any alphanumerical character

External links