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Main Page > RUTX Routers > RUTX12 > RUTX12 Manual > RUTX12 WebUI > RUTX12 Network section > RUTX12 NAT64

The information in this page is updated in accordance with firmware version RUTX_R_00.07.11.1.


NAT64 (Jool) is an IPv6 transition mechanism that facilitates communication between IPv6 and IPv4 hosts by using a form of network address translation.

This chapter of the user manual provides an overview of the NAT64 (Jool) page in RUTX12 devices.

Note: NAT64 is additional software that can be installed from the System → Package Manager page.

NAT64 configuration

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns on NAT64 service.
IPv6 interface lan | wan | wan6 | mobile; default: none IPv6 interface which will be used for the translation.


By default, there are no NAT64 translation rules. To create one, press Add.

After clicking 'Add' you will be redirected to the newly added NAT64 configuration rule.

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns the rule on or off.
Protocol TCP | UDP | ICMP | All; default: none Only match traffic using the given internet communication protocol.
Source zone Device (output) | Any zone (forward) | lan | wan; default: Device (output) Only match traffic coming to the given firewall zone.
Source IPv6 address ipv6 address; default: none Source IPv6 address or network segment from which the traffic will be translated.
    Possible variants:
  • Any: Match everything
  • IPv6 address: 123:1::5:6:7
  • IPv6 Subnet: 123:1:5:6::0/64
  • All except value: !value
Destination IPv6 address ipv6 address; default: none Destination IPv6 address or network segment to which the traffic will be translated.
    Possible variants:
  • Any: Match everything
  • IPv6 address: 123:1::5:6:7
  • IPv6 Subnet: 123:1:5:6::0/64
  • All except value: !value
Destination IPv4 address ipv4 address; default: none Destination IPv4 address or network segment to which the traffic will be translated.
    Possible variants:
  • Any: Match everything
  • IPv6 address:
  • IPv6 Subnet:
  • All except value: !value