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Main Page > TRB Gateways > TRB142 > TRB142 Certification & Approvals > TRB142 SRRC

State Radio Regulation of China (SRRC) is the authority responsible for granting the SRRC certificate. SRRC was established on June 1st, 1999. The SRRC certification is required for equipment and appliances that are equipped with radio transmitters and use specific frequency bands in China.


SRRC tests must be conducted at a testing laboratory in China accredited by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). This authority emerged from the Ministry of Information Industry in 2008 and is responsible for the supervision and development of information technologies.

After completion of the SRRC certification, products can be imported into China. It is mandatory to affix the label with a CMIIT (Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) ID on it. This is the ID that the manufacturer receives as part of the SRRC certification process so that the products can be imported into China or sold on the Chinese market.


The following CMIIT ID has been assigned to TRB142:

TRB142 CMIIT ID: 2022CJ19058


SRRC Type Approval Certificate, page 1
SRRC Type Approval Certificate, page 2

To download a PDF version of the SRRC Type Approval Certificate, click here.

External links


Test reports that are referenced in declarations and certificates can be provided upon request. For the request to be approved, the recipient of the test reports should be a certification authority or certified test house. The recipients will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).