TSW010 Powering Options

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Main Page > TSW Switches > TSW010 > TSW010 Manual > TSW010 Powering Options

This chapter contains information on powering options supported by TSW010 switch.

The switch has a 2 pin power socket and can be powered by a 7-30 VDC power supply unit (PSU). Refer to the image below for the power socket's pinout information:

Power socket

2 pin power socket

No. Description Wire color
1 Power Red
2 Ground Black

Passive PoE

The device may also be powered by an Ethernet cable via the LAN1 port (9-30 VDC):
(Do not use in other ports!)

  • The device is NOT COMPLIANT with the IEEE 802.3af-2003 standard: powering the device from an IEEE 802.3af-2003 power supply will damage the device as it is not rated for input voltages of the PoE standard.
  • The device is NOT COMPLIANT with the IEEE 802.3at standard: it cannot power other devices over Ethernet.

RJ45 pinout:
Pin 10/100 mode B, DC on spares T568A Color T568B Color Pins on plug face (socket is reversed)
1 TX+
white/green stripe

white/orange stripe
2 TX-
green solid

orange solid
3 RX+
white/orange stripe

white/green stripe
4 DC+ 9-30 VDC
blue solid

blue solid
5 DC+ 9-30 VDC
white/blue stripe

white/blue stripe
6 RX-
orange solid

green solid
7 DC-
white/brown stripe

white/brown stripe
8 DC-
brown solid

brown solid

Ground loops

Do not connect the power supply negative terminal of our device to the chassis or earth exclusively.

This connection could cause ground loops. For example, if the antenna shield and power supply negative terminal are connected to the chassis or earth, it forms a ground loop, therefore unwanted current could flow through a device PCB ground and may cause damage.

In networking switches connecting our device power supply negative terminal to the chassis or earth could cause damage to other devices connected to the switch or unintentional power up of other devices.