Template:Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 rut2 rut9

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Hotspot 2.0

The Hotspot 2.0 displays available WiFi interfaces. In order to begin configuring an interface click the 'Edit' button next to it:


After this you should be redirected to the configuration page for that interface.

Hotspot 2.0 Configuration

The main configuration parameters of a Hotspot 2.0 interface will be discussed in this section.

A Hotspot 2.0 interface requires WPA2-EAP encryption. You can configure it in the Network → Wireless page (click 'Edit' next to an interface and find the [[{{{name}}} Wireless#Wireless_Security|Wireless Security]] section).

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 wpa2-eap setup.png

General Setup

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 general setup.png

Field Value Description
Enable off | on; default: off Turns Hotspot 2.0 for this interface on or off.
Internet access off | on; default: off Is used to inform the client device whether internet access is available.
Access Network Type Private network | Private network with guest access | Chargeable public network | Free public network | Personal device network | Emergency services only network | Test or experimental; default: Private network The access network type present in beacon and probe response frames. Mobile devices can use this information when selecting a hotspot.
HESSID mac; default: none Homogeneous ESS identifier (optional). This shall be identical to one of the BSSIDs in the homogeneous ESS.
Roaming consortium OI 3 or 5 octet hexstring; default: none Only first three entries are available through Beacon and Probe Response frames.
Network authentication type Not configured | Acceptance of terms and conditions | On-line enrollment supported | http/https redirection | DNS redirection; default: Not configured Type of authentication used on this network.
IP Address type availability Address type not available | Public IPv1 address available | Port restricted IPv4 address available | Single NATed IPv4 address available | Double NATed IPv4 address available | Port restricted IPv4 address and single NATed IPv4 address available | Port restricted IPv4 address and double NATed IPv4 address available | Availability of the address type is not known; default: Availability of the address type is not known Provides information about the IP address version and type that would be available to a mobile device after it authenticates to the network.
Domain name domain name; default: none The Domain Name ANQP-element provides a list of one or more domain names of the entity operating the hotspot network.
Venue group various; default: Unspecified Describes the venue in which the hotspot is located.
Venue type various; default: Unspecified Describes the venue in which the hotspot is located.

OSU Provider

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 osu provider v2.png

Field Value Description
OSU ssid string; default: none Informs client devices about the SSID used for OSU connections.
OSU server URL url; default: none Is used to inform the client device whether internet access is available.
Name language code string; default: none Two or three character language code (ISO-639).
OSU friendly name string; default: none User-friendly name of an OSU service provider.
OSU NAI string; default: none OSU network access identifier.
OSU method list OMA-DM | SOAP-XML; default: none Configures the supported OSU method(s) of the OSU provider.
Description language code string; default: none Two or three character language code (ISO-639).
Description string; default: none OSU service description.

WAN Metrics

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 wan metrics.png

Field Value Description
Link Status Link up | Link Down; default: Link up Provides information about the WAN link that connects the hotspot to the Internet.
Downlink Speed integer [1..4294967295]; default: none Maximum downlink speed in Kbps.
Uplink Speed integer [1..4294967295]; default: none Maximum uplink speed in Kbps.

Venue Name Information

The Venue Name Information is used to configure one or more Venue Name values for Venue Name ANQP information. To add a new Venue configuration, click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 venue name information add button.png

You should see a new entry appear in the Venue Name Information list.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 venue name information.png

Field Value Description
Language Code string; default: none Two or three character language code (ISO-639).
Venue Name string; default: none Name of this venue.
Venue URL Information url; default: none Venue URL to provide additional information corresponding to Venue Name information (the URL should contain protocol).

3GPP Cellular Network Information

The 3GPP Cellular Network Information section is used to uniquely identify mobile network operators. To add a new mobile operator instance, click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 3gpp cellular network information add button.png

You should see a new entry appear in the 3GPP Cellular Network Information list.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 3gpp cellular network information.png

Field Value Description
Mobile Country Code integer; default: none Mobile country code (3 decimal digits).
Mobile Network Code integer; default: none Mobile network code (2 or 3 decimal digits).

Network Access Identifier (NAI) Realm Information

The Network Access Identifier (NAI) Realm Information parameters provide information for stations using interworking network selection to allow automatic connection to a network based on credentials. To add a new NAI Realm Information configuration, click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 network access identifier nai realm information add button.png

You should see a new entry appear in the Network Access Identifier (NAI) Realm Information list.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 network access identifier nai realm information.png

Field Value Description
NAI Realm url; default: Link up The NAI Realm provides a list of NAI realms corresponding to the Home SPs that can authenticate a client device.
EAP Method EAP-TLS | EAP-TTLS | PEAP | EAP-FAST; default: Undefined Identifies the EAP method supported by that NAI realm for authentication.
Authentication Parameter Undefined | Non EAP PAP | Non EAP CHAP | Non EAP MSCHAP | Non EAP MSCHAPV2 | Credential certificate | Credential username/password; default: Undefined EAP method authentication parameter.

Operator Friendly Name

The client device may obtain the Operator Friendly Name via GAS/ANQP queries to assist the user during manual hotspot selection. To add a new Operator Friendly Name configuration, click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 operator friendly name add button.png

You should see a new entry appear in the Operator Friendly Name list.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 operator friendly name.png

Field Value Description
Language Code string; default: Link up Two or three character language code (ISO-639).
Operator's Name string; default: none Provides a friendly name for the Hotspot Operator.

Connection Capability

The Connection Capability section provides information on the status of commonly used communication protocols and ports. To add a new protocol/port configuration, click the 'Add' button.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 connection capability add button.png

You should see a new entry appear in the Connection Capability list.

Networking rutos manual hotspot 2.0 connection capability.png

Field Value Description
Protocol ICMP | TCP | UDP; default: ICMP Network protocol type.
Port Number integer [0..65535]; default: none TCP/UDP port number.
Status Closed | Open | Unknown; default: Closed Status to be displayed for the selected protocol/port combination.