Template:Rms manual users add new profile

From Teltonika Networks Wiki

To create a new company go to the RMS web page, Management on the Left sidebar panel, (Management → Companies) and click on Companies submenu.

Move your mouse pointer to the top control Company menu and select Add new (Company → Add new).

The Add new function is used to create new companies for your RMS profile. You can create a subsidiary company that will belong to your current company.


  1. Move your mouse pointer to the Company menu and click Add new company.
  2. You will get a Add new company pop-up window.
  3. Enter your company name and select the parent company. Which parent company the newly created company will belong to.
  4. And finally click on the Create button.

At the top of your screen, you will get a notification: Company created.


  • Keep in mind, if you are a 3rd level company (your parent company has a parent company of its own), you cannot create a subsidiary company of your own.