

VerpackG or The Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act) sets out requirements for the production, placing on the German market and recovery of packaging. It entered into force as per January 2019, and replaced the Verpackungsverordnung (Packaging Ordinance) of 1992 that had been in force previously. The Verpackungsverordnung also contained provisions governing producer responsibility for producers and distributors of packaging, as well as the requirement for retail packaging to participate in waste management systems ('systems'), setting high recycling quotas for them. The Verpackungsgesetz also serves to transpose European provisions of the extended producer responsibility into national law.


VerpackG requires all initial distributors of packaging filled with goods to register with the Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister (Central Agency Packaging Register – ZSVR) through the LUCID Packaging Register – before placing packaging on the German market. Failing to register attracts a distribution ban for the goods in question. Whether or not further obligations apply depends on the type of packaging that is placed on the market.

LUCID Packaging Register

UAB TELTONIKA NETWORKS is registered in the LUCID Pacakging Register:

Register number: DE1254198087499

The Green Dot ("Der Grüne Punkt")

The Green Dot LOGO.png

Every company that places packaging filled with goods on the German market or imports packaging filled with goods into Germany is required to register in the LUCID Packaging Register, indicating the packaging types that are being placed on the German market. Anyone who is the first to place retail, grouped, or shipment packaging on the German market that is filled with goods and typically accumulates as waste with private final consumers or comparable sources of waste generation has to bear financial producer responsibility for this packaging – and pay for its recycling. This is called 'system participation'.

In order to fulfill the system participation requirement UAB TELTONIKA NETWORKS has entered into a system participation agreement with The Green Dot ("Der Grüne Punkt").

The Green Dot ("Der Grüne Punkt") was founded in 1990 as the first dual system. As the first system of its kind worldwide, it has been providing nationwide collection of used sales packages and obtains raw materials from them for the closed-cycle economy. Today Der Grüne Punkt is a leading provider of take-back systems. "Participation in a dual system" means that the manufacturer and distributor of sales packaging filled with goods which normally accumulates at the private end consumer, must participate in one or several dual systems in order to ensure national return of such packaging. The collection, sorting and recycling of sales packaging entered into the market is thus financed via so-called "participation payments" which are made to the dual systems.

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