Setting up WAN as LAN

Main Page > General Information > Configuration Examples > LAN > Setting up WAN as LAN

The information on this page is updated in accordance with the 00.07.4 firmware version .


This article provides a guide on how to configure WAN port as LAN. These configurations are specifically made for RUTOS devices.

Alternative 1

Set your WebUI to Basic Mode:

Networking device configuration example webui basic mode v1.png

Navigate to Network → LAN → edit LAN the instance:

Networking device configuration example lan edit interface v1.png

Once there, enable the Use WAN port as LAN:

Networking device configuration example lan enable wan v1.png

Alternative 2

Enable the ADVANCED mode on the WebUI . This will allow you to choose from a larger variety of settings:

Advanced mode.png

Navigate to Network → Interfaces → General and disable WAN and WAN6 interfaces:

WAN down.png

Click on edit the LAN interface and once a new window pops-up go to Physical settings. There, under the Interface add eth1:

Add eth1.png

Test the configuration

At this point, WAN port should work as LAN. Go ahead and try to swap from your to current port to WAN, you should be able to ping the router.

Pings useful.png