RUT241 Giteki

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The Japan Radio Law covers all products which utilize the radio spectrum and operate under 3 THz. Specified Radio Equipment Devices are subject to mandatory approvals. It aims at increasing public welfare by securing fair and efficient use of an electric waves. Testing is conducted on one sample unit for each type of radio equipment (officially called "construction design"), for attestation of the construction design. This is called the "construction design attestation system."


This certification applies to all products using the radio frequency spectrum. The Giteki mark is a visible indication of a product's compliance with applicable Japans regulatory arrangements, including all technical and record-keeping requirements.

RUT241 Marking

Specified Radio Equipment marking [R] No.: 018-230063

Construction Type Certificate marking [T] No.: D23-0004018

Device Approvals

Device Construction Type Certificate (MIC)
Device Construction Type Certificate (JATE)

To download a PDF versions of the declaration for: RUT241 MIC Certificate, RUT241 JATE Certificate.

EC25-J Wireless Module Approval

Product code: RUT241 *8****1

Module Construction Type Certificate (1/5)
Module Construction Type Certificate (2/5)
Module Construction Type Certificate (3/5)
Module Construction Type Certificate (4/5)
Module Construction Type Certificate (5/5)

To download a PDF versions of the declaration for: EC25-J module (1/5), EC25-J module (2/5), EC25-J module (3/5), EC25-J module (4/5) , EC25-J module (5/5) .

EG25-G Wireless Module Approval

Product code: RUT241 *3****1

Module Construction Type Certificate (1/2)
Module Construction Type Certificate (2/2)

To download a PDF versions of the declaration for: EG25-G module (1/2), EG25-G module (2/2)

1 – the “*” in product code represents any alphanumerical character

External links


Test reports that are referenced in declarations and certificates can be provided upon request. For the request to be approved, the recipient of the test reports should be a certification authority or certified test house. The recipients will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).