RutOS and TSWOS firmware update

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Main Page > FAQ > Other Topics > RutOS and TSWOS firmware update


Having up-to-date firmware on your networking devices is crucial for several reasons. One of the most important is security. Firmware updates often include patches for known vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers. By keeping your firmware updated, you protect your network from potential security breaches. Additionally, updates can introduce new security features and protocols, further enhancing the overall security of your network.

Performance is another key reason to keep your firmware current. Updates often contain improvements and optimizations that can make your devices run more efficiently. This can result in faster data transfer speeds, better handling of network traffic, and overall improved performance of your network.

Firmware updates can also fix bugs and other issues that may affect the stability and functionality of your networking devices. These fixes can resolve connectivity problems, compatibility issues with other devices or software, and other operational hiccups that might otherwise disrupt your network's performance.

Finally, new features and capabilities are sometimes added through firmware updates. These can enhance the functionality of your networking devices, offering you new tools and options that can improve your network management and user experience.

This article outlines the process of updating the firmware on Teltonika Networks routers, gateways, and managed switches.


There is not much preparation needed. If you have a Teltonika Networks device running on RutOS or TSWOS and an end device with internet access, you are fully prepared to update the firmware.

Firmware update

When it's time to update the firmware, it's important to know how to do it. There are a few different ways to update the firmware: through the WebUI, Teltonika RMS, or using the command line. In this article, we will describe all three methods.

Moreover, you have the option to initiate the firmware update by either manually uploading the firmware file or downloading it from the server. If you choose to upload the firmware file manually, you must know where to download the firmware file. All the latest and mass production firmware files can be found here. It's best to regularly check this page if you want to always have the latest firmware available. Additionally, each device has its own firmware page, where you can find all the available firmware files specific to that device, along with a changelog that describes details what was added, fixed, or improved in each firmware version. For example, you can find all available firmware versions and the changelog for the RUT956 here.

Firmware update through WebUI

The WebUI is the user-friendly graphical interface of the device. To update the firmware through the WebUI, navigate to the System -> Firmware -> Update Firmware page. This page allows you to check the current firmware version of the device and update the firmware either from a local file or directly from the server. If you wish to update the firmware from the server, your RUT, TRB, or TSW device must have internet access. If you choose to manually upload a firmware file, internet access on the router is not required.